Friday: Daniel took the day off and I had to work, so we decided to meet up for lunch. It was a really good lunch, but it was going to be the last time I was going to see him for over 24 hours. This may not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but Daniel and I are always together. We've only spent one night apart, and I made my mom stay with me to keep me company. I was going to stay at my mom's this time and he was going to stay at our house. After work that day, I went straight to Prairie Grove for a church event. This was the worst traffic ever..they are working on making the road bigger, which means they first have to shrink it down to 1 and 1/2 lanes with barrells lining the road all the way. When I finally arrived at the church I had to run in and change in to my pajamas! The women were having a pajama party. We ate, had a fashion show, watched a comedian, had a cake walk, did a gift exchange and cleaned up. Very exhausting, especially if you have a bad back and are wearing house shoes on a concrete floor. It ended around 9 30 and then we went to my mom's house. We unloaded my back seat which had my overnight bag and entire kitchen in it. The following day we were having our 2nd annual Christmas Candy Making Day! We stayed up preparing breakfast for the next day and cleaned the kitchen. Bed time was 12 am.
Saturday: I woke up at 6 30am, hoping it was only 12 30am, and got ready. We started breakfast and the girls arrived. We had a great breakfast and then I presented everyone (even the three younger girls) with a gift that Daniel had come up with. Daniel's grandmother makes these adorable aprons and I gave everyone an apron specially for this day!
Then the candy making commenced!! It was a fury of melting, dipping, rolling, stirring, chocolate everywhere, caramel on everything, marshmallow cream, peanut butter,
peppermint extract....crazy! We had so much fun and it was so much more organized and enjoyable than last year. We planned well! After we got finished we had to clean all our dishes and divide all the masses of candy up for all 6 families. We didn't finish all this until 4ish or something...I had lost track of time by then. My feet were hurting so bad, I wanted to cut them off. I got all my belongings together and headed home. When I was ALMOST to the Rogers/Bentonville exit, (Hwy 112) I realized I left my suitcase at Mom's! I had to turn around and she met me at the Wal Mart in between us. I didn't get home until 6 something. When I got home I left everything in my car, ran in side, and fell in the chair. Daniel told me to go look in the kitchen, low and behold he was cooking a roast! And there were rolls rising in the oven! And, could it be? ROSES! The three R's all right there in all their glory!! He is the BEST HUSBAND EVER! He really loves me! It was the first time I had seen him since 1pm the previous day, and he missed me too!! I didn't even realize I was hungry until he brought me a plate and I ate everything on it. Sooo goooood. Needless to say I went to bed by 9pm.
Sunday: We woke up (barely) and went to church. After that we went to Mom's for lunch, and around 2 we decided to go Christmas shopping. That only lasted until 4 30. We were cranky, tired and getting on each other's nerves so we went home. We got home and Daniel said "why don't you go to bed?" And I was like, "It's 5 30!?" It didn't take me 5 minutes before I was kissing him goodnight and asleep...and I slept for 13 hours. I didn't wake up until 6 30am the next day!!! (which was today...) I've never felt better. I could not believe I slept that long, and I guess I needed it. Daniel cleaned up after me all weekend and was so loving, he has been the absolute best husband anyone could ever ask for, and he's mine!!
It was an exciting weekend, and I'm glad it went well. I'm also glad it's over. I cannot begin to imagine what life would have been like this weekend if we had kids! Ohhhh.......I'm tired just thinking about it!