Sorry for the blogging delay, but I haven't been able to sit down long enough to post a new blog! There's been a lot going on. FIRST THINGS FIRST! We lost our camera during the Christmas holidays! So that means when the ice storm hit, we didn't get any photos of it! I was sad. Thankfully, we recently found it and it happened to be right where Daniel said it would be: at his sister's house. Thank goodness because that saved us about $200. Secondly, right after the ice storm my dad was in an accident with a tree. I apologize for not updating you earlier, but he is doing well! He's not totally back to normal but he is making progress. He's still got some pain but he is taking medication for it. I took a picture of him this past Sunday while he was sitting in his chair!
I am very glad he is recovering. He even went to church for the first time since the accident! Hooray!

Next is school. School has been tough this semester. I am taking my first online class and it happens to be Biology. It's weird and I'm always afraid I'm going to forget to turn something in. I'm a bit anxious about the two exams we have. (Mid-Term and Final) Western Civilization has been a blast! I love that class and I really enjoy the information we are being taught, so it's super easy for me to retain all that for the tests. So far I have taken two quizzes (100% and 80%) and one exam (today) and I feel like I did great on the exam. I need to study up more for the next quiz and get that grade back up but I think it will be easy.
Last Wednesday and Thursday Daniel was in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on a business trip. It was the first time he was away and I had to stay at the house alone. It wasn't a big deal until I got ready to go to sleep at night. I don't like being alone at night now. I ended up sleeping with just about every light in the house on. I don't know why, but it made me feel safer. This didn't help me sleep any better though. I was exhausted from Wednesday on! Soooo tired. I ended up making him a two layer red velvet cake with white chocolate cream cheese icing right before he got home. And I went ahead and did a double batch and made cupcakes for work since we were having a food day that Friday. They were a hit. The cake is FANTASTIC! He brought me home a t-shirt and all is well now.
Now for the biggest news.....the Friday before his trip (2/6) after work we were supposed to go get groceries. He was really wanting to leave so we hurried down the road. He told me he wanted to go ahead and get my valentine's day present...which I didn't think I was getting one..?! We kind of decided not to do gifts! Anyway, he pulled the car into the parking lot at AT&T and we went inside and got me an iPhone!! HOORAY! I couldn't believe it! Needless to say, it's the coolest piece of technology I have ever laid hands on. They threw in a free pink protecting sleeve thing since we bought a car charger for it! See!
It's pretty cool. Daniel loves playing word games and sudoku on it, and I love playing drawing games and taking pictures with it. He's a sweet guy for getting it for me.
So I think that about covers it for now. Enjoy these last few weeks of winter! I cannot wait to blog about our Spring planting!!!