Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring? With snow?

What is up with this weather! I cannot stand it when it starts to get nice and warm and things are greening up, just so it can snow again. Grr. We had to cover our flower bed in the front because some of the plants had already started to come back and start growing. Better safe than sorry!

I've been super busy with school lately. I had my first mid term on the 20th (Biology) and I'm just glad it's over. Didn't do so well...but that's neither here nor there. (..what does that even mean?...) I took that day off because we were heading to Branson for the weekend! So I took my test at 9 am, ran home, and we were out the door by 11! We got all the way to Garfield when Daniel realized we left our tickets to Silver Dollar City at home! We were going there the next day with his entire family! So we turned around to go back home and get them. Good thing, because we got there and I found all of Daniel's clothes hanging on the closet door. He had left them and wouldn't have had any clothes in Branson!

We had a blast though. It rained all day on Saturday while we were in SDC but we still had a great time. Sunday we met my parents at the malls and shopped a while before heading home. Here are some photos of SDC!

1 comment:

"Elle" Lee said...

I like your pics. You're my favorite. ; D