Sunday, June 21, 2009

Baby News!

No, we're not pregnant. But my brother and his wife are!

(They realized they spelled Christmas wrong after the fact...still cute though!)

They told all of the family today! We were all holding hands and having our Sunday lunch prayer, and little did we know that when Dad said "Amen" we would look up and see a message on their shirts!! So surprising! What a cute way to tell us! Dave's wife Sarah is due December 23rd and we are all so very excited.

Today was also Father's Day! It was a good day. Dad had a great time and Dave really thought it was a special one since he is almost a daddy himself. Here are a few pictures of Dad with his gifts.

We had a blast and really enjoyed being with the whole family.

So I need some help. Does anyone know how to customize your blog a little better? For example, I wanted a background of my own, one that wasn't from the few I can choose from on here. Can you tell me how to do that? That would be great. Also, can you explain to me on how to create a list of link's to other people's blogs that will appear on my blog? That would also be great.

Ok, that's all the questions I have for now.


krystal.hayward said...

Congrats on the neice/nephew! For blog layouts I use And for links, there's a little button on the display bar with a green circle and a silver link on top, just click that and paste the link you're wanting to put in there. If it doesn't work, mine has been acting up lately so it might be a blogger problem!

Jenni said...

I use the same link and they have some really cute backgrounds! I love love love how they announced their pregnancy. Very exciting for your family.

Can't wait until you are doing the announcing! :) Come see us soon!
