Sunday, August 23, 2009


We've had a lot going on! From working a little over time here and there, having people over for dinner and such, busy weekends, busier evenings, cleaning house, etc. One of the major tasks we've had is selling our living room seating furniture, and buying new. We had Daniel's old couch and recliner, and a hand me down chair and a half. They were fine, but we really wanted something bigger and nicer. So we decided to get a sectional! I'll post a picture in a later post. (the computer I'm on doesn't have the photos on it and I don't want to mess with it right now...)

After we bought the sectional (2-3 week wait for delivery) we decided to get all of our carpet shampoo'd. (shampooed..?...shampood?.....) That was a HUGE event. We had to move everything but the guest room in to either the garage or hallway. We couldn't move the living room entertainment center because it's too heavy, so we sat in lawn chairs to watch tv for a couple of days. Then the sectional finally came in! It's great. We had also decided to rearrange our bedroom furniture. We love it.

Everything has settled down and it's just in time for SCHOOL!!! Booo. I just want to be finished. I'm taking History of the American People to 1877. My class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays after work, so I start in 2 days! Just ready to be done.

I don't really know where I'm going with this post I will end with an awesome explosion of the late 80's/early 90's.


1 comment:

Jana said...

Good luck with school, Mandy!