Saturday, May 1, 2010

Seeking Advice

15 weeks pregnant tomorrow! In 5 weeks I will be halfway through this pregnancy. That's hard to believe! We're planning to find out the gender of the baby, and we might be able to find out as soon as next Monday. I have an appointment on May 10th, and by that time I will be 16 weeks along. I am having my first real ultra sound that day, and if this little Babblett cooperates, we might be able to find out if it's a him or her! How exciting.

So, with that said, this blog post is going to be an open forum on baby products. I am getting ready to start a registry, and I'd like to take my time on it (I felt rushed on my wedding registry for some reason). I know a LOT of people who have had babies recently, and I would like to know any and all of your suggestions on things you like, things you love, things you can't live without, things that are totally unnecessary, things that are fun to have but aren't imperative, and anything else I have not covered.

When you give your suggestions, please be sure to include where the items are available and any other important info you might have about them. This should be fun! Let's get going!


Unknown said...

The Miracle Blanket. It can be ordered online at It is the BEST swaddle EVER. It holds the baby in well, and they cant break out of it [well...J has started breaking out, but he IS 4 months old, and probably about ready to be done with swaddling....] Babies love to be swaddled, and sleep better that way.

Have you decided whether to cloth diaper or not? I have a TON of advice and suggestions on products if you do, from my trial and error, and things I would change or buy/not buy if I could do it all over again.

Sarah said...

Jump on face book there is so many pages with mother's blog it's great go on there and ask advice!! Good luck un. Rest up xox