Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Scary Moment

I had a little scare at my 34 week appointment today. I will go ahead and say EVERYTHING IS FINE, NOTHING IS WRONG! So no worries! Here's what happened.

I went in for my usual appointment which consists of me getting weighed, giving a urine sample (hooray...) blood pressure checked, uterus measurement and listening to the heart beat. Well, while the doctor was listening to Gunner's heart beat, she said it was a little low. (It's usually around 135, today it was 115 and lower) So she decided, to be safe, to hook me up to the fetal monitor for 20 minutes to get a read on what is going on. Ok, so I was slightly concerned but I wanted to get it over with so they could tell me if anything was wrong. A few minutes into the test, she came back in and it had dropped into the 90's. She immediately ordered an ultra sound, and I started to panic but kept it to myself. I didn't want to be the girl that freaks out!
They wanted to finish the test, so I had to sit in there, freaking out, all by myself for the next 15 minutes. The nurse gave me a magazine to look at. Yeah right, like I can read a magazine right now. I just held it open but stared at the monitor watching the numbers go up and down. (apparently that's good for them to fluctuate a bit) After that we did the ultra sound. She told me everything looked fine. They checked the amniotic fluid, his movement, listened to the blood pumping through the cord (amazing that they can do that) and watched him practice his "breathing". (He doesn't really breathe yet since there's nothing to breathe other than fluid, but the fact that he's practicing is an excellent sign) She said he looked great and the doctor released me! It was scary, but at the same time, I got to see little Gunner again!! He's HUGE compared to the 20 week ultra sound! He looks much fatter too and you could see his hands, they looked just like baby hands!!!! Amazing. She even printed out a few pictures for me! She happened to notice the area between his legs and said "OH yeah he's a boy"...I won't go into detail, but it looked much more like a boy than the last ultra sound! (she took a picture of that for
It was amazing how much more developed he was this time. I'm so glad everything is fine, but that was scary for a few minutes. I did not like it. I did enjoy seeing him again though. OH and he is head down! His little feet are what's been sticking in my ribs! It's nice to know what everything is when he moves now!
I go back in two weeks and after that every week until he is here. Hopefully the next appointment will be less eventful...


Jana said...

Bless your heart that you had to go through that! So glad you guys are safe.

LF said...

oh goodness girl!! I would have panicked too!! So glad all is well and the little guy is doing good!!!

Erica, Chris, and Kinsler said...

Glad everything is fine and that you did at least get to see him if he was going to put you through all that. :) haha