Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Not Much Change...

My appointment today went well, she said I was doing great but the fact is that not much has changed with the progression. Still pretty much where I was last week. She is still convinced that I will go into labor before my due date though, so that makes me feel better. I plan to walk my face off over the next few days, maybe I can find some stairs and spend an afternoon walking up and down them.

She wanted to induce me next Wednesday. She is on call that day, and if I go into labor and she's not on call, the doctor who is on call will be doing the delivering. As nice as that sounds to have the guarantee for her to be there, I would much rather risk having another doctor be on call and me go into labor on my own. Convenience is not a good enough excuse for me right now. The thought of it being a week away was TERRIFYING! I think I might seriously freak out when I do go into labor's really scary thinking about it!

So that's basically it. We're waiting to see what happens. Gunner is pretty low right now though, so maybe he's almost ready and he will come before my due date. I'm praying that God will make him come on his own before then. It can happen! It might not hurt if you pray with me! =)

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