Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I Think I Have A Problem

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
2011 Whitehorn Family Reunion
Friday, June 3, 2011
Citizen's Arrest!

I haven't quite figured out what kind of situation would be appropriate for yelling this out, but I have a good guess. For some reason, we've had lots of people just wandering about our yard during the day. Okay, so they're not just randoms, they're usually the cable techs coming out because we are having trouble with our internet, or the meter readers or what not. Still, it's unnerving to see someone traipse around your back yard when you clearly did not give them permission. A lot of the time, they will ring the doorbell first, and if no one answers, they will go ahead and show themselves back through the gate to do their business. If I am not notified ahead of time that we are expecting visitors, I do not answer the door unless Daniel is home. That's my rule. (So if you plan to stop by unannounced, make sure Daniel is home, otherwise I will ignore you) This week we have had a couple of weird instances where people ring the doorbell, and when I peek around to see if I recognize them, they are gone and there is no vehicle outside!!!! (cue dramatic prairie dog video)
This morning was an interesting one. I had our back door open while Baily was out in the back yard, but we have a storm door so I can see out but still be protected....from storms, I guess. Anyhow, I'm sitting in the floor playing with Gunner, in my pj's, no make up, not showered, when I see a shadowy figure pass by the window in front of me. INTRUDER ALERT! FIRE AT WILL! Good thing my house isn't a secret transformer robot with laser guns and rocket launchers. After I stopped trying to remember where Daniel his his gun, I decided to try and catch a glimpse of the masked robber. (My imagination gets the best of me sometimes) As they pass back by the window, I see it's just a lady in a uniform with a remote thingy, probably the meter reader. Whew! All clear, at ease soldiers. When I look out the front door, I don't see a car, but the lady walks by and apparently it's bring your kids to work day, because she had two teenagers with her and just let them roam around my yard! This is when I nearly kicked my own front door down and shouted "CITIZEN'S ARREST!!!!!" This is my best guess as to when it is appropriate to yell the phrase "citizen's arrest." I can only assume that as soon as these words are utterd, SWAT team ninja G I Joe's will repel down through the sky, handcuff the scoundrel, and say "Not on my watch!"