The post was written July of 2011. My blog wouldn't let me publish anything I wrote and I never remembered to post it!! So for fun, here it is!
Honestly, there's not going to be anything exciting in this post. Just an update on how smart my little guy is and how he's growing so fast!
Gunner is keeping me on my toes these days. He follows me everywhere, including the bathroom. He grabs onto my pant leg and pulls up so he can stand there and hold onto me while I cook or do dishes. He loves playing in the kitchen these days! I have started doing what my mother used to do (and I'm sure other moms have done the same thing), and pull out the tupperware! He will sit and play with anything new so he can find out how it works, what it tastes like and the sound it makes when he bangs it on other objects.
He pulls up on everything and is now wanting to play in the trash can. He also likes to find the dog and cat food to chew on and will try to eat the little rocks in the fireplace. I am constantly sticking a finger in his mouth to check and see what's in there!
He doesn't like that I won't let him stand up in the bathtub. I got him a new toy that lights up, spins around and sprays water in the tub and he really enjoys that! For some reason he loves getting his face sprayed with water.
He is "talking" a whole lot now. He says "mama", "dada" and "EHHHHH!" lol. He really tries hard to say other words too, I'm just not sure what those words are!
Baby Milestone:
He is eating much more diced and mashed foods these days. He is also drinking a little whole milk now. Don't worry, I spoke to his pediatrician about it and he told me it was fine.
Mommy Milestone: Welcome back, Dairy!! I can now drink milk and eat ice cream again! However, after many months without it, I think my system had adjusted to it and is having a hard time going back. I used to be lactose intolerant as a kid and I think I might have started that up again. It's not horrible, I just have stomach aches more often now.
All in all everything is going well. He is teething so neither of us is sleeping much at night. Sometimes I wonder if he will ever sleep all night. This has been the most frustrating thing and I don't know what else to try. I have basically given up on him sleeping all night! At least he is a dream to get to sleep. He doesn't fight me and is the sweetest thing ever as he sits in my lap and holds his blankie. Those are my most favorite times!
I'll end with a few of my favorite recent pictures.

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