Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween and Happy November!

Well, we had a military Halloween at work at LOC-Arvest! I got to wear some of Daniel's old uniforms! It was fun! Lots of people in our department participated and it turned out pretty good. They had a costume contest for the whole campus (three different buildings), but we didn't win. The departments that won did a circus theme and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. My department put me in charge (for some reason) of getting our theme together and organizing the "party planning committee". I think I did ok for my first year!

On October 22nd around 2pm, my newest nephew was born! My brother Franklin and his wife Rebekah welcomed their 4th child into the world, Nathan Heath Hamrick! He is a SWEETIE!! So cute, and so good! He hardly cries! Everyone was quite excited! He'll be about 3 months old when we get together for Christmas! He has 2 big sisters and one big brother who are so proud.
Not alot has been going on other than that. We're gearing up for the holidays this year, and for my class to end. I will be registering for next semester in about a week. Also, I will be very glad when this election is over, although I may be very afraid for our future, depending on who wins! That's all I will say... =)

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