As much of you know we had a big ice storm hit Northwest Arkansas this week. There has been ice everywhere and on everything and MANY MANY trees have been destroyed because of it. Many people have been trapped inside their homes with trees blocking their driveways. Well, today I got a phone call from my mom that a tree had fallen on my dad as he was trying to clean it up and the music leader at our church was taking him to the hospital. He works at our church and he was trying to cut down a tree that had fallen on the fence. We're not totally sure on exactly what happened, but the tree managed to hit him in the chest, the side of his neck, and it caused him to double over in a way that damaged his back. I immediatley left work to meet them there. After several hours at the hospital they discovered that he had a broken sternum, two broken vertebre and a contusion on his lung. By this time everyone in our family (plus the pastor and his wife) were in the waiting room. He is doing better now but was in a tremendous amount of pain for a while. He can't really move very much and is dependent on someone else to take care of him. Mom is having to feed him since he cannot really lift his arms. They said it would take about 6 weeks for him to recover so my mom is going to have her hands full for a while. He is still in pain but the have given him some Morphine and it has helped. He was able to have normal conversations with us somehow, I thought that the drugs would make him loopy but they didn't. He did really well. He told us that after it happened he just laid on the ground for 5-10 minutes and calmed down, then got up and walked into the church to get help.
Please pray that the pain will subside and for a speedy recovery.
So sorry to hear about that, Mandy. I'll keep him and you guys in my prayers.
Kimber told me what happened this afternoon. I sure hope he gets better soon. My family will be praying for him.
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