My Friday started out with a bang. The kind of bang that tells you "Yeah, you're welcome, you better hang on because today is going to kick you in the face". It started out with me taking way too long to get ready, but I wanted to dress up a little for my FIRST BABY SHOWER! Yeah!! I was too excited. So excited, that I forgot my gas tank was on empty and I was supposed to get gas the night before. I HAD to do it before work because I was meeting a friend for lunch and would have ended up on the side of the road trying to get was that empty. So I left the house, later than normal, to go to the gas station to fill up.
Luckily, I got to work only a few minutes late. As I walked to the door I reached for my badge to open the securely locked doors and what have we here? No badge? Oh, that's right...I left it at home, in a different place than I normally put it. Of course. So I had to call someone to let me in. There goes a few more minutes. I get to my desk and apologize to my boss for forgetting my badge, and she tells me that I should head home to get it since I will need it later to go walk my mom back for the shower later. (The security is really tight in our building. There's a reason it's called Arvest Fort Knox) So I ran home to get it. It made me feel much better having it all day.
So lunch rolls around, and although it was so fun and really delicious, it took an extra 20 minutes, so I then was late getting back to work! I did have an hour of overtime that week....but it pretty much disappeared after all that craziness happened. Oh well, it's better than being short an hour!
That was the crazy part of my day. The rest was great! I attended my first baby shower thrown by my amazing coworkers! My mom got to come and that was awesome. It was fantastic. I had a great time and was blown away by the kindness of the people that I work with, past and present! There were a few faces there who I haven't seen in many months! Thank you guys for coming. We got tons of great baby items, and Gunner is going to look so stinking cute in all the new clothes he got! Here are a few pictures from the shower.

I guess that whole day took all my energy, because when I got home I was worthless. Poor Daniel just told me to go to bed at 8 45, and I wasn't about to argue. I got 11 hours of sleep and loved every minute of it. I am trying to savor these hours of sleep because I know they will be few and far between in the near future.
All in all, it was a great day, even with all the weird things that happened in the beginning. I had an awesome time.
Also, just ignore it if this post isn't totally centered and pictures are spaced weird. I can never figure out how to make it all fit perfectly, because it looks right when I'm setting it up, but the preview is always off! I don't even
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