Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Power of Prayer

I have always known that prayer is a powerful thing. I have seen some huge prayers answered in my life. I have also gotten to experience a few answered prayers that may not seem like something worth praying about to most people.

My first memory of God answering my prayer was in high school. I was always the last one out of the house in the mornings and this day I was late for school. I had also lost my car keys somewhere in the house. This was a very common occurrence, for you see, I am related to Ginger Hamrick: Queen of Misplaced Items. I always lose stuff, it's in my genes. I was getting so flustered trying to look for my keys, so I stopped, closed my eyes and prayed, "God, look, I am late for school and I cannot find my car keys! Please help me find them..." I stood there for a few more seconds and the next place I looked, there they were! I was actually kind of surprised! What a dumb prayer, why would He care to help me with something so meaningless? It wasn't meaningless to me, I actually laughed out loud and said "THANK YOU GOD! THAT WAS AWESOME!" as I ran to my car. It was kind of huge, it was the first time I really felt like I had proof that God existed! Now, I always believed that He was there, I just never really had anything happen like that and it was kind of weird. From then on I never hesitated to ask for help on the little things in life. It was kind of like talking to a friend.

I bring this up because I don't think I have had more "mini" answered prayers in such a short time before. Since Gunner's birth, there have been tons of moments where I have prayed about something small, and God always answers. My first example is during the delivery. I prayed the whole time that I could make it through, that Gunner would make it through and be healthy, and that it wouldn't take very long. All answered. The other day I was making a big trip to Wal Mart for the first time with him and before I put him in his car seat I prayed that God would keep Gunner calm and happy, that he wouldn't cry while we were out, that I wouldn't stress about him crying, and that I could get everything I needed at the store without looking too hard. All answered. I have prayed about breastfeeding before too! He seems to have a lot of difficulty, and there were a few times where he wouldn't stop crying, and I would pray that God would just help us through this so Gunner could feel better, and as soon as I opened my eyes, he had calmed down. The one that makes me smile every single time happens nearly every night. I'm a worrier. It's another genetic trait I have. The main thing I worry about is if Gunner stops breathing while he's asleep. That's what kept me up most nights in the beginning. I check on him constantly when he's napping, and often during the night. There will be times where I'll be almost asleep, but I can't hear him breathing in his bassinet beside me, and I'm so tired I don't want to roll over to check on him. So I pray "God, help me know that he's ok so I can sleep..." And before I can finish my prayer Gunner will let out a big sigh. Lately, I can just think about it and Gunner will make some sort of noise letting me know he's fine. And every single time, I smile and say "Thanks."

It's pretty amazing to know I have a God who cares about my every day life enough to help me find my car keys when I lose them. I don't need a big bolt of lightening or a pillar of fire to know He's there.

1 comment:

Erica, Chris, and Kinsler said...

I love this post. Chris and I have those same "mini" prayers! I specifically remember a horrible night when we were working with Kins to fall back asleep on his own. I was SO tired and I just prayed for God to give me strength and he told me to pick Kinsler up and rock. No sooner had I picked him up was he asleep. I didn't even have time to sit and rock. It is one of the coolest "God moments" in my life.