Monday, January 3, 2011

This And That

I have yet to update on how cloth diapers are going, and it's been over a month since I started them! To sum up, it's been wonderful. I have figured them out and gotten in the groove of washing. Shortly after starting cloth diapers, I also started using cloth wipes. That is probably more work than the diapers, but it's helped his poor little sensitive bottom. And it's saving us more money! I'm using squares of flannel material that my mom cut out and she sewed the edges for a clean look. I roll them up in my wipe warmer and pour on my homemade solution. I need to get more wipes, but other than that, it's going great.

Gunner had his first shots on his two month "birthday". He cried, and I had to try hard not to cry. I had Daniel there to hold him while he was getting his shots. I couldn't watch. He is growing fast! On 12-23 he weighed just over ten pounds and was 22 1/4 inches long. He has moved out of newborn clothes into 0-3 month clothes. He is holding his head up great and smiling and laughing a ton. He is still having tummy troubles, but the doctor put him on some medicine for his reflux so that's helped.

I am still enjoying being a SAHM! (stay at home mom) The main question people ask me is "Do you get bored?" and the answer is no. I am never bored. Gunner keeps me on my toes and there is always house work to be done. I had been sick on and off during the last couple of weeks though, so I'm looking forward to getting back on my normal "schedule". I've got high hopes to get some major cleaning projects done this month though, so hopefully I can accomplish those.

Unless you've actually ever stayed home with a baby, you would probably think there is a lot of down time. This is not true. A typical day of mine is spent waking up between 5am and 8am, depending on when Gunner gets up. (Usually around 6) I change him, feed him, and burp him. This usually takes a good hour. I sit him in his bouncer for a bit and eat breakfast, maybe take a shower (sometimes I don't get a shower until noon...) and by the time two hours have passed, he is ready for a nap. This is where it begins to vary depending on how he is feeling. Most of the time he is out and sleeps for at least 45 minutes. Some times he wakes up 15 minutes later. Either way, I try to get some things done. (He is napping now, but today I was able to get his diapers and wipes folded and put away while the other laundry is washing and drying) When he wakes up, it's time to change, feed and burp him again, another hour. He eats every 2.5-3 hours, so most of my day is spent feeding and burping him. I have to make sure and burp him well or else he will spit it all up. Between feedings, I am either taking a shower or getting ready, doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, cooking, or cleaning other parts of the house. This is on a normal day. There are days where he is having a lot of stomach issues and cries a ton, and during those days I am usually trying to calm him down and make him feel better. I get much less done those days. On a good day I can get all the laundry done, his room cleaned, the house picked up, the kitchen cleaned and possibly do a little relaxing. On a day where I have to go somewhere or run errands, MUCH less is done since I have to time it right to get anywhere on time. If I get in the shower right after he eats, I can be done getting ready just in time for him to be changed and eat again. My days are never the same.

I have completely cut out all dairy from my diet in an attempt to help with his tummy troubles. I think it's been 5 days. It's HARD since I love to drink milk, but I think it's helping. Plus, he should have a better tolerance in about a month or two.

I desperately need a hair cut. I am going to try and call to make an appointment today. I think my last appointment was in September.

Just a few random things I wanted to share!

1 comment:

Erica, Chris, and Kinsler said...

Glad to hear the cloth is going well for you!