Monday, April 11, 2011

Operation "Free Sleep" is in Effect!

Today starts Gunner's transition into sleeping without being swaddled. Yes, yes, I know. A five month old who is still swaddled? Spoiled much? Well, not really. I just didn't have the patience to work with him until now. Actually, I tried to start this at four months, but he got an ear ache around that time and was held while sleeping a lot, so he went backwards on progress. And, I had planned to start this again after we got back from our trip to Nanny's house, but with my back issues, well, it pushed it back a couple of weeks. So today is the day!

He is napping right now, but with one arm free. I'm going to let him sleep with one arm free for all his naps for a week or so, then try it at night. Once he is used to it and able to nap like he does when he is swaddles, I will remove the blanket altogether! He usually takes about an hour and a half nap. I tried letting him sleep without being swaddled at all last week and he only slept for 30 minutes. Not terrible, but not quite long enough either. I think it will take a few times, but he will get used to it and I can retire that worn out blanket.

For those of you new moms out there who have a baby like mine, you might eventually want a blanket that fits older babies. The "Swaddle Me" brand worked until he was about 3 months old, but he got too big for it.

Check out the Miracle Blanket. It's really good.

1 comment:

Erica, Chris, and Kinsler said...

So crazy he enjoys being swaddled still. Kinsler hated it! So maybe that makes Kinsler weird. haha. Good luck with the transition!