He is napping right now, but with one arm free. I'm going to let him sleep with one arm free for all his naps for a week or so, then try it at night. Once he is used to it and able to nap like he does when he is swaddles, I will remove the blanket altogether! He usually takes about an hour and a half nap. I tried letting him sleep without being swaddled at all last week and he only slept for 30 minutes. Not terrible, but not quite long enough either. I think it will take a few times, but he will get used to it and I can retire that worn out blanket.
For those of you new moms out there who have a baby like mine, you might eventually want a blanket that fits older babies. The "Swaddle Me" brand worked until he was about 3 months old, but he got too big for it. 

Check out the Miracle Blanket. It's really good.

1 comment:
So crazy he enjoys being swaddled still. Kinsler hated it! So maybe that makes Kinsler weird. haha. Good luck with the transition!
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