Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Goals

I don't think there's anything wrong with making New Years resolutions. Some people don't like to do it because they feel it's like setting them up for failure. I am not afraid of failure, I'm afraid of being stagnant. I need to make sure I am working towards a goal to keep me going. That said, New Years resolutions aren't meant to make you feel like you're a failure if you don't accomplish them. It should be something that keeps you motivated. The journey is important.
Here are my goals for 2013.
Starting with the obvious, I'd like to be healthier and lose weight. I'd like to get to a healthier weight (not an unrealistic one), drink more water and less sodas, and start cooking healthier meals for my family. Along with that, I would like to take better care of myself in general. More flossing, more exercise, better skin care, stuff like that. Also along the same lines, I'm going to try and look less like a stay at home mom (aka a hot mess). Seriously, I shouldn't have to wear a hat every day I go out in public. That's just me being lazy. Speaking of laziness, I'm going to start trying to keep a better daily routine. I'm going to work to keep the house cleaner by being more organized and I'm going to work towards saving money by really keeping a tight grocery budget.
Going along with a daily routine, I'm going to try to start incorporating a time during the day where Gunner and I focus on something school related. Maybe we will do flash cards, or work on counting or his ABC's. I'm wanting to start him in a Mother's Day out once a week this year, and I would like for him to start at home getting used to a scheduled learning time. I think it's going to be important for him (and myself). Lastly, and this goes in with the first things I listed, I want to run another 5k. I would love to do that by October. I was really very proud of myself doing it once, and it was the first thing I've done in a long time where it was up to me to make it happen and I actually finished it.
There you have it! Nothing too insane, just things that I really need to do to make myself a better human.
What are your goals for the new year?

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