Thursday, December 27, 2012

Catching Up

I honestly can't remember how long it's been since my last post, but thankfully my blog keeps track of that and it looks like it has been two months. My last post was about my 5k race! So what have I been up to since?
Well, not running. I was hurting pretty badly after my race so I decided to take a break. Now it's just too cold and too dark during the times I could go run. Very unfortunate. I'm hoping I can figure out a way to utilize a treadmill in our house somehow, although there is zero free space for one. I think it's time for me to go to a specialty tennis shoe supplier and get them to figure out which shoe I need. I'm getting shin splint pain very bad when I run now. (I was able to go to the gym twice on vacation and ran a mile each time, and that was it. The pain was too much.)
Other than that, I've been busy getting ready for Thanksgiving, Christmas and vacation! This year was our year with Daniel's family, and we were lucky enough to have it in Northwest Arkansas! That was so nice. We were able to sleep at our house while spending the days that weekend with them all. We also did tons of shopping. I had my first Black Friday experience! (My autocorrect capitalized It was so fun! I went with Daniel's family. We started out at 8pm and finished at 2 am. Then the next day Daniel went on their second outing that afternoon. You see, I had to have all my shopping and wrapping done by December 7th, because we left for a two week vacation on the 8th. That brings us to our trip!
Each December we spend a week in our timeshare in Fairfield Bay. It's lovely. There are hardly any tourists and it's quiet and not crowded. We get to spend a lot of time with Daniel's parents. So that was week 1, and the second week Daniel went home and back to work while Gunner and I spent a week at Nanny and Pawpaw's! The last day of our trip was the Babb family Christmas party. Those two weeks were busy! We really enjoyed it, and Nanny got some good quality time with Gunner.
Once we came home, we had my family's Christmas party on Christmas Eve. It's been a very busy December! Gunner really got into Christmas this year. It was so fun shopping for him and watching him open his gifts.
We are getting back into the swing of normal life again and preparing for our birthdays. Daniel's birthday is tomorrow and mine is in January. We will see what 2013 holds for us all!

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