Tuesday, November 23, 2010

One Month Old!

My little man is one month old today! I cannot believe it's already been a month. The first week seemed like one HUGE day, it went by so slowly I thought we'd never get to one month. Then, all of a sudden BAM! He's one month old!

He's doing great. It looks like he has acid reflux, and that's been a challenge but really he is doing quite well. I have taken him with me on errands a few times now and I finally feel comfortable driving with him and getting him in and out of the car seat. He really enjoys riding in the car. When we stop at a light, he gets mad! But once we start moving again, he's asleep. He likes the motion and noise of the car.

Tomorrow we are off to my in laws for Thanksgiving! I'm sure the trip will be interesting, but I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone and to getting out of the house for a few days! =)

Monday I start cloth diapers!!!! WOO! I am actually pretty excited. They're so dang cute! Daniel got the diaper sprayer hooked up to the toilet so we're ready to go. Although, I may not need the sprayer until his poops are more solid. Either way, it's ready! I'll do a post on how it goes!

Baby Milestone:

Since he has had reflux, he has been spitting up a lot, and not just right after eating. Once I figured out what the problem was though, I have taken measures to help him out by keeping him more upright as much as I can and it's really helped. We've even raised the head of his bassinet a few inches. Also, I gave him a bath the other day and he hardly cried! I took a little too long and he got irritated and cold, but he did very well! He's crying less and less when I change his diapers too. He mostly cries when he's hungry.

Mommy Milestone:

Traveling alone. I am totally confident now! It's pretty easy. I can get him in and out of the car seat with ease and carry him wherever we need to go. I've yet to go to Wal Mart strictly because of all the sick people we might encounter, but that will be another milestone I will post about soon, I'm sure.
This is a picture of him in his car seat before we went to the chiropractor! One month old! 11/23/10

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