Thursday, January 27, 2011

He's a Big Boy Now...and Mommy is Tired

Gunner has made the transition to sleeping in his crib full time! This began last Friday night. I wanted to try it at the beginning of the weekend in case he got up several times so that Daniel would let me nap the following day... He actually slept all night! And that was the ONLY night he slept all night. Every night since then he has woken up more than twice, and I have been woken up by his Angel Care monitor alarm at least once every night. He gets gassy during his sleep and grunts and scoots around his crib which places him off the sensor that's under the matress. This causes the alarm to sound since it can't pick up the movement of his breathing which causes Mommy and Daddy mild cardiac arrest while they sprint to the other side of the house. (More so Mommy than Daddy since the first time it went off Daddy kept trying to turn off the alarm clock...)
Hopefully in a few weeks we will figure this out and he will go back to sleeping all night. Here are some pics of him playing in his crib wrapped in Daddy's old baby blanket!

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