Monday, January 17, 2011

Too Much of a Good Thing

Poor Gunner. I have too much milk! I never thought that would be a problem, but it is. There are even articles about it on La Leche League's site. Interesting. He has been having a hard time nursing lately and I've been more uncomfortable too. We're working to get everything back to normal, and I think we're on track.

If you're a mom-to-be and planning to breastfeed, you might check out LLLI's site. ( Don't make fun, I don't know how to do that link thing...
Anyway, they have some great info and it might be a good idea to read up on some possible struggles new moms have in case you run into that at some point.

This post is short. Gunner is about to wake from his nap. Here is a quick summary of how we're doing though!

-Nap time is great. He takes several naps a day (all in his crib, in his room!) and he goes down very easily. All I have to do is change him and swaddle him, and he starts to doze off. He's that easy in the evenings too...

-Night time is still wonderful. He goes to sleep quickly and sleeps between 8 and 10 hours!! We're getting ready to permanently move him to his room for all sleeping though.

-His reflux is much better. The meds the doctor gave him work great and he spits up a lot less.

-I am still loving being at home. I am getting excited about the spring and summer where we can play outside!

That's all for now! I think I hear the little man stirring!

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