Monday, March 7, 2011

Four Month Appointment

Gunner had his four month check up today! Here he is waiting to see the doctor! He was having a grand time, then he got sleepy. Once she came in, he was cranky. She had to listen to his breathing, check his ears and throat and he did not like it. Unfortunately, he still has a little ear infection in one ear. He'll be going back on antibiotics once I go pick them up. I was hoping he would be over it.
He also got his shots today which is a dreaded event for every parent, I'm sure. It hurts me so much when he cries because he's in pain like that.
I spoke with the doc about some issues I was concerned about. I was wondering if he was gaining weight at a good rate. Even though he is in the 10th percentile in height and weight, he is gaining at just the right rate. He is within average. He's just going to be a small fry! According to several sources I have read, he should be down to 2-3 naps a day. He is still taking 4-5. They have shortened from 1+ hours to 30 minutes though, so I think if I work on it, we can get him down to less naps, but longer duration. I have been concerned about his spitting up. He has reflux, and is very sensitive with position. If he is in a sitting position (in a Bumbo or being held) he will spew everywhere instantly. When he's in his car seat, he pretty much spits up the whole time until I get him out. I know that can't feel good either, but I was mainly worried about him keeping enough down to gain weight. Well, he is gaining enough but the doctor recommended to start him on cereal to see if it helps. So probably sometime later in the week, I will be taking pictures and video of him eating cereal for the first time! I hope it helps him. It should be interesting to see how he reacts!
Other than that, he is doing great and she said he is perfect! She and the nurses kept commenting on how "pretty" he was. He's going to have the ladies chasing after him. And I must say, she told me that he looks just like me. =)

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