Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cold Turkey

After discovering Gunner sweating through his swaddle blanket at night, we decided the time had come to just rip the band aid off. We took the blanket away cold turkey on Saturday night. We had attended a graduation party for a friend and got home late, so Gunner was nice and tired. He actually did pretty well, waking up every two and a half to three hours. (I just knew he would do every hour, so that was amazing) Since then, he has done awesome. Sunday night he slept ALL NIGHT and Monday night he slept for a good 6 hour stretch without waking. Last night he woke up at 10 30 to eat but then slept till 8 30 this morning. Needless to say, I am feeling pretty good. Feeling rested, but mostly feeling proud of that baby. Way to go.

I did not expect him to sleep on his tummy. He has rolled over and decided that's how he will sleep and no one can tell him otherwise. It's quite the adorable thing to see him sprawled out in his bed, cross ways, sleeping on his tummy. He sleeps well and that's okay with me.

So the blanket is retired, I'm putting it in storage.

Baby Milestone:
Free sleeping

Mommy Milestone:
I broke out my chores list that Mom and I made in early November. I wanted to be organized on my cleaning and chores so we made a spreadsheet. (chores broken down by daily, twice a week, weekly, twice a month, monthly and yearly tasks) Yeah, it's only taken me nearly seven months to get to that point. (sad)

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