Sunday, October 28, 2012

Run my first 5k race: Check!

I can mark running a 5k race off my bucket list! Saturday October 27th I participated in a 5k with my mom and brother. It was so exciting! I'm thankful they did it with me because it would not have been as fun doing it alone.
I've been training since July so I've worked hard to get this far. It wasn't easy though. From being over weight, taking care of a toddler, not having much time to get runs in, and having the worst nights sleep before the race, I'd say it was a tough road.
I don't have a gym membership. Even if I did (and I have thought about getting one) I would have to wait until Daniel got home from work so he could keep Gunner. I'm not a morning person in the slightest, so running before he leaves for work is out of the question (for now...hopefully some day I will be brave enough to want to make that happen). So, I can either run on the weekends, or in the evenings. Running in the evenings has its challenges. Cooking dinner, feeding the family, getting out before it gets dark, figuring out if I should eat before or after I run, being exhausted from a full day, etc. The main thing I have to do is mentally prepare all day for my run. If I'm in the mindset of going, it seems that I do better.
I can say that as of a few weeks ago I have lost 20 pounds since I started. I still have many more pounds to go! I'm feeling better though and it makes me excited to keep working towards my goal.
Race day was crazy! The race was in Fayetteville so I thought it would be smart to stay with my parents so we would be closer. It would have been great had I not been up all night. Gunner woke up at 1:30, and I couldn't get back to sleep after that. At 2:45 I finally moved to the living room and cat napped in an oversized chair till 5:30. I woke up thinking "I'll never be able to finish...maybe I should just stay home." After sucking it up, I left with Mom at 6:30. We arrived, parked, got our bibs, found my brother, and walked around in the 32 degree frozen morning air for 30 minutes. My sister and sis in law were there to cheer us on. (And hold our coats!)
We took some pictures, got in line, and started getting nervous. (At least I got nervous!) I had read some helpful tips online about your first race, and I knew to get in the back of the group. Mom and David had both run a few races before so they didn't have the pre race jitters like I did. But alas, here we went! And before I could even find my pace they were both dashing out ahead of me. I knew I would be in the back of the group, but at last place? Well, I can't turn back now! There were four of us in the tail of the group, and we were all running the same speed. Two girls were behind me. As long as I stay in front of them I'm fine. Running, running, left turn, right turn, run...motivational thoughts, deep breaths, second song on my playlist, I'm doing it! It's still incredibly cold out but it almost seemed to help numb my sore legs. Half mile down. still see at least half the group ahead of me. Open field, I see Mom! Wow she's wayyyy up there. David is nowhere to be found...he's probably across the finish line being given flowers and hot chocolate, doing an interview for the local news. Focus, keep pushing through. One mile, done. The crowd has thinned out where I'm pretty sure the four of us are the only ones who aren't finished yet. That old lady who I swore I would pass is long gone. The rest of the group is probably having a party and eating fine cheeses and are being fed grapes and the most expensive cuts of meat fresh from a grill. Snap out of it! You're nearly done...*check phone* oh dear...I'm only at mile 1.5. This is hard. Ok, I've got this, focus, positive thoughts. Running, sunshine, dirt, running more, pace is good. Suddenly, I catch something out of the corner of my eye. What is that? Two girls?! WHAT?! They're passing me!!!? Noooo!!! I cannot be last...speed up! Ok no, finishing is the goal, not going into cardiac arrest in the middle of a pasture. Just finish. Who cares if they passed you. Run. Run more. New song. Oh good, this is perfect timing for this song, it always keeps me pushing. Turning corners, watching ahead to make sure there aren't holes in the trail. Sweating has kicked in. I see runners way ahead. Two miles done! Yes, time to speed up slightly. Run. Breathe. Should I take my gloves off? *frozen air slaps face* No, no I should wait a while. Why is it so cold today? Corner. What....what is that? Is that a hill?! Why is it so steep!?!?! UGH........horrible!!!! Ok got it....wait, another one?! Ahhhh!!!!!! Burning legs! Shut up Black Eyed Peas! I am pumping it as hard as I can! Leave me alone! I'm losing it, I need to focus. Think about your fat. You hate it. It's stupid. You want it gone. Yes, feeling better. I can do this. 2.40 miles! I'm nearly done! The faster I run, the sooner it's done. The faster I run, the sooner it's done.....the faster.....who is that? Someone is walking the wrong direction. ... ....? Is that........David?! YES! He's going to give me a piggy back ride to the end!!! How awesome! Oh, he's going to run with me. That's good too! Sharp turn, volunteer and high five, nearly there! What's this?I'm passing those two girls! Yes! I'm not last! Here's Mom! She's here too! We are in this together! I can do it, it's almost over. Run, maintain. Keep it up. There it is! The finish line!!! Ok, give it everything you have! As fast as you can go! PLEASE DO NOT FALL!!! Aaaaaaaaaand FINISHED!!!!!!!!!
I did it! It's over! And I wasn't last place!!!!! Yes. I am so proud. I suddenly realized my legs were jello. I earned jello legs! It's worth it.


David said...

I really enjoyed your commentary on our race. It was a great morning. We should do one again soon!

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