Monday, May 7, 2012

Good Riddance?

[This post was written some time last year when I couldn't post anything. I thought I would share it now.]

We all have too many friends on Facebook. That's a fact. Some of the people I am "friends" with, I don't know that I have ever met! They may be friends of a friend, or heard about me through someone I met once. It's hard to keep up with everyone on there. And it's impossible to talk to each friend regularly. If you have no trouble doing this, you clearly have only seven Facebook friends.
Occasionally you find out when someone deletes you as a friend. You don't get an email or anything, but when I see another friend has tagged a picture of them or wrote on their wall, and then when I go to their profile it says "Send Friend Request" I'm always in shock! What?! Since when? What did I do?
I pretty much go through all the stages of grief within about 2 minutes.
Denial: Well, they probably didn't mean to, or they left facebook and when they came back forgot to add me as a friend.
Anger: I hate them! What a jerk! They are stupid, and I remember when they were mean to me that one time in Wal Mart...
Barganing: I wonder if I can message them and ask what I did? Maybe if I offer an apology for doing the thing I did that I don't know what it is...
Depression: I am a horrible person. Why else would someone delete me? I have no friends...
Acceptance: It's only Facebook! Whatev.

1 comment:

David said...

You're funny. :)