Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just Thinking

I'm guessing since Gunner was about 3 weeks old, I started looking forward to the next step. Nothing major, just little things like him growing too big for his newborn clothes, being able to wear the next size up, holding his head up long enough to do tummy get the idea. I was always so excited for the next step. I couldn't wait until he was able to eat his first foods and sit up on his own and play by himself. I'm still doing it too, and I wonder if I will ever stop!
This time, it's potty training and a toddler bed. I keep trying to remind myself that all kids are different and they don't all move to the next step at the same age. Some kids are ready earlier, some later. These two things could really change life around here so that's why I've been thinking about them a lot. I do not want to rush Gunner into anything too soon and him not be ready since it might cause problems later on, but it's hard to tell when they're ready sometimes.
This kid is smart. I know every parent says that, but he really is. He picks up on new things so quickly it's kind of strange. I guess in the back of my mind I'm hoping he will be able to pick up on potty training as fast as he does other things. I've read my fair share of baby websites, blogs, and other moms comments online and a lot of them tend to state that 18 months is a great time to try potty training. Then there are those moms who say they barely got their kid potty trained before kindergarten... This makes me terrified! What if that is going to be my kid?! What if he refuses until he's 4?! Oh boy, I don't like that idea at all.
The toddler bed transition isn't something I'm wanting to do soon, I just know a lot of the time it tends to come along soon after potty training. These two things will pretty much catapult him from a baby to a little boy. The word baby won't apply any longer.
Maybe that's why I'm dreading it so much.

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