I have always known that prayer is a powerful thing. I have seen some huge prayers answered in my life. I have also gotten to experience a few answered prayers that may not seem like something worth praying about to most people.
My first memory of God answering my prayer was in high school. I was always the last one out of the house in the mornings and this day I was late for school. I had also lost my car keys somewhere in the house. This was a very common occurrence, for you see, I am related to Ginger Hamrick: Queen of Misplaced Items. I always lose stuff, it's in my genes. I was getting so flustered trying to look for my keys, so I stopped, closed my eyes and prayed, "God, look, I am late for school and I cannot find my car keys! Please help me find them..." I stood there for a few more seconds and the next place I looked, there they were! I was actually kind of surprised! What a dumb prayer, why would He care to help me with something so meaningless? It wasn't meaningless to me, I actually laughed out loud and said "THANK YOU GOD! THAT WAS AWESOME!" as I ran to my car. It was kind of huge, it was the first time I really felt like I had proof that God existed! Now, I always believed that He was there, I just never really had anything happen like that and it was kind of weird. From then on I never hesitated to ask for help on the little things in life. It was kind of like talking to a friend.
I bring this up because I don't think I have had more "mini" answered prayers in such a short time before. Since Gunner's birth, there have been tons of moments where I have prayed about something small, and God always answers. My first example is during the delivery. I prayed the whole time that I could make it through, that Gunner would make it through and be healthy, and that it wouldn't take very long. All answered. The other day I was making a big trip to Wal Mart for the first time with him and before I put him in his car seat I prayed that God would keep Gunner calm and happy, that he wouldn't cry while we were out, that I wouldn't stress about him crying, and that I could get everything I needed at the store without looking too hard. All answered. I have prayed about breastfeeding before too! He seems to have a lot of difficulty, and there were a few times where he wouldn't stop crying, and I would pray that God would just help us through this so Gunner could feel better, and as soon as I opened my eyes, he had calmed down. The one that makes me smile every single time happens nearly every night. I'm a worrier. It's another genetic trait I have. The main thing I worry about is if Gunner stops breathing while he's asleep. That's what kept me up most nights in the beginning. I check on him constantly when he's napping, and often during the night. There will be times where I'll be almost asleep, but I can't hear him breathing in his bassinet beside me, and I'm so tired I don't want to roll over to check on him. So I pray "God, help me know that he's ok so I can sleep..." And before I can finish my prayer Gunner will let out a big sigh. Lately, I can just think about it and Gunner will make some sort of noise letting me know he's fine. And every single time, I smile and say "Thanks."
It's pretty amazing to know I have a God who cares about my every day life enough to help me find my car keys when I lose them. I don't need a big bolt of lightening or a pillar of fire to know He's there.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Well guess who went to Wal Mart with a two month old? ME! =)
I have been getting Daniel to get our groceries because I was so hesitant to take Gunner with me. Well it got to the point where we needed LOTS of things from the store and we didn't get to take advantage of getting them during the weekend...so I decided now was as good a time as any! I timed it perfectly. I changed his diaper, fed him, burped him, he dozed off a bit and I stuck him in the car seat! He did wonderful. He slept the whole time.
One thing I did to make it easier was to park near a cart corral. I was able to put his car seat in a cart and push it in instead of carrying him all the way from the car with the cold wind. Much easier!
It was super crowded today also. It's the week of Christmas, and I imagine tons of people have the week off. I still think going during the day was a much better decision than going after 5pm.
I've been able to also get some laundry done and some gifts wrapped! It's been a good day. I seem to do better if I get up before 8am. Speaking of, Gunner slept all night again last night! He went to sleep between 9 and 10pm and didn't wake up until nearly 8am! Such a good boy. =)
I have been getting Daniel to get our groceries because I was so hesitant to take Gunner with me. Well it got to the point where we needed LOTS of things from the store and we didn't get to take advantage of getting them during the weekend...so I decided now was as good a time as any! I timed it perfectly. I changed his diaper, fed him, burped him, he dozed off a bit and I stuck him in the car seat! He did wonderful. He slept the whole time.
One thing I did to make it easier was to park near a cart corral. I was able to put his car seat in a cart and push it in instead of carrying him all the way from the car with the cold wind. Much easier!
It was super crowded today also. It's the week of Christmas, and I imagine tons of people have the week off. I still think going during the day was a much better decision than going after 5pm.
I've been able to also get some laundry done and some gifts wrapped! It's been a good day. I seem to do better if I get up before 8am. Speaking of, Gunner slept all night again last night! He went to sleep between 9 and 10pm and didn't wake up until nearly 8am! Such a good boy. =)
Mini Vacation
We took a two day trip to Branson with Mom and Dad! We needed to get away for a little while. It was really fun and Gunner did great. He had a bit of a tummy ache (I've really got to watch my diet...) but other than that, he loved it! We went down Friday afternoon, ate some dinner, got settled at the condo, and on Saturday we went shopping and to Silver Dollar City to see the lights! After that we went through the Trail of Lights and it was beautiful.

Gunner stayed very warm all weekend. We had him bundled up very well at SDC in the stroller and he slept the whole time!
Gunner stayed very warm all weekend. We had him bundled up very well at SDC in the stroller and he slept the whole time!
Monday, December 13, 2010
So any time I start to think I've got this parenting thing down, some new challenge presents itself to prove me wrong. That's ok, I need that to happen! I need to learn my way through this. Apparently I am just not smart at all when it comes to this kid. In the beginning, I was up quite a bit with him during the night so any time he was asleep I would try to sleep as well. It slowly got into this schedule where he would go to sleep between 9pm and 11pm, wake up between 5am and 7am, then he would go right back to sleep (as would I) and we would sleep for another 1 to 3 hours. I was unable to get him to really take a nap during the day for longer than 10 minutes, and it would usually only be when I held him. I had to remedy this quickly or else we would be in a seriously bad habit and I would not get anything done during the day.
The other night I had a revelation: What if our morning "back to bed nap" was causing this problem!? EUREKA! That's got to be it! I am convinced. So, yesterday I did not put him back to bed after he woke up. He ended up falling asleep on his own so I stuck him in his crib and what happened? He actually napped in there! First time ever. I was so proud. He slept for an hour! We ended up going to my parents for lunch so I wasn't able to do the afternoon nap the same way, he just slept in the car.
This morning I did the same thing. It was a little different today though. He ended up getting up around 3 30am to nurse last night, so we were back in bed by 4 30, and he slept till nearly 8am. However, I did not put him back to bed after 8 this morning. He was happy and content in his bouncer and dozed off around 9 45. I stuck him in his crib and turned on the mobile, but he just laid there wide awake. Around 10 I swaddled him and he went right to sleep. I'm not going to make him stay in there for an hour, if he wakes up before then that's cool. My goal is really just to get him used to his crib since he sleeps in the bassinet beside our bed. Hopefully within a few weeks he will be in his crib full time. However, this transition may be harder on me than him! I am very anxious about him being in another room at the other end of the house. I'll be glued to the monitor for weeks I'm sure.
*As I was finishing this post, I heard him in his room...low and behold he was awake after only 30 minutes. He didn't cry though, just laid there laughing at his mobile! Sweet boy.
**After I came back to the computer to finish this post, he had fallen asleep again on his own! I am so proud.
The other night I had a revelation: What if our morning "back to bed nap" was causing this problem!? EUREKA! That's got to be it! I am convinced. So, yesterday I did not put him back to bed after he woke up. He ended up falling asleep on his own so I stuck him in his crib and what happened? He actually napped in there! First time ever. I was so proud. He slept for an hour! We ended up going to my parents for lunch so I wasn't able to do the afternoon nap the same way, he just slept in the car.
This morning I did the same thing. It was a little different today though. He ended up getting up around 3 30am to nurse last night, so we were back in bed by 4 30, and he slept till nearly 8am. However, I did not put him back to bed after 8 this morning. He was happy and content in his bouncer and dozed off around 9 45. I stuck him in his crib and turned on the mobile, but he just laid there wide awake. Around 10 I swaddled him and he went right to sleep. I'm not going to make him stay in there for an hour, if he wakes up before then that's cool. My goal is really just to get him used to his crib since he sleeps in the bassinet beside our bed. Hopefully within a few weeks he will be in his crib full time. However, this transition may be harder on me than him! I am very anxious about him being in another room at the other end of the house. I'll be glued to the monitor for weeks I'm sure.
*As I was finishing this post, I heard him in his room...low and behold he was awake after only 30 minutes. He didn't cry though, just laid there laughing at his mobile! Sweet boy.
**After I came back to the computer to finish this post, he had fallen asleep again on his own! I am so proud.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
No One Mentioned THAT In Their Description Of "Motherhood"...
Before Gunner was born, we got a TON of advice and information from people about being parents. However, since he was born I have quickly discovered a few things that no one told me about...
No one told me that after the delivery I would feel like I had just completed the Ironman without properly training while simultaneously being run over by an eighteen wheeler....
No one said I would lose sleep because I would worry that the baby stopped breathing. They only mentioned losing sleep over non stop crying.
No one explained how amazing it would be to see your kid smile for the first time. It was like Gunner discovered a cure for all diseases or something. So very exciting.
No one told me what to do when your child starts crying in the car when it's just you and him. Talk about distracted driving.
No one said I would get over my fear of other people's feet and actually pick the gunk out from between this kid's toes.....somebody's gotta do it I guess.
No one told me what to do when I get sick. That's where I am today. I am not running a fever, but I feel horrible. Sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, all the while taking care of a baby who is going through the six week growth spurt/fussies. So he's not himself either. It's a sad situation here in the Babb home. He has also been having some bad reflux issues the past few days. Earlier he spit up so much I actually took off my tshirt to use it as a burp cloth...it was already 40% saturated in spit up anyway...glad I was home when it happened and not at Wal Mart. lol
No one told me that after the delivery I would feel like I had just completed the Ironman without properly training while simultaneously being run over by an eighteen wheeler....
No one said I would lose sleep because I would worry that the baby stopped breathing. They only mentioned losing sleep over non stop crying.
No one explained how amazing it would be to see your kid smile for the first time. It was like Gunner discovered a cure for all diseases or something. So very exciting.
No one told me what to do when your child starts crying in the car when it's just you and him. Talk about distracted driving.
No one said I would get over my fear of other people's feet and actually pick the gunk out from between this kid's toes.....somebody's gotta do it I guess.
No one told me what to do when I get sick. That's where I am today. I am not running a fever, but I feel horrible. Sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, all the while taking care of a baby who is going through the six week growth spurt/fussies. So he's not himself either. It's a sad situation here in the Babb home. He has also been having some bad reflux issues the past few days. Earlier he spit up so much I actually took off my tshirt to use it as a burp cloth...it was already 40% saturated in spit up anyway...glad I was home when it happened and not at Wal Mart. lol
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Cloth Diapers: Day One
The first day of cloth diapers was interesting, to say the least. I was pretty tired and hadn't been getting much sleep the last couple of nights, so that didn't help. We ended up getting things pretty much figured out though so I feel better about it today. Here's a quick rundown of how the day went:
We woke up around 8am and put on the first diaper! I had never put a cloth diaper on any baby so I was kind of just winging it. The first was a prefold insert with a cute little cow print newborn cover. I was used to mostly changing his diapers before he ate, every three to four hours, but I quickly found out that might not be often enough. He fell asleep on me and when he woke up, pee had leaked out of every possible place and was all over both of us! I was distraught..but quickly decided I probably just put it on wrong. On the next two covers (I went through a total of 4 covers in one day...) I used the same type of prefold and still had leak problems, but once I changed to a different insert I decided I just hadn't washed the others enough. They're currently being washed and dried a couple more times. Hopefully that's the problem and it can be corrected with additional washes. By the time I had it figured out, it was bedtime! We used an overnight diaper last night with no problems! He actually slept for 8.5 hours last night (PRAISE THE LORD) so I call that a success.
I feel better about it after trying a few different inserts. I watched a couple of videos online of different ways to fold them too, so I might try some of them at some point. Currently, I am concerned with how bulky they look on him. It's almost comical! He's so small so I have to fold them over in the front, so they go down to his knees! The good thing about this is all his pants fit better now! Ha!
Here are some pictures of him in the diapers. These are just the first two of the four he wore yesterday.

We woke up around 8am and put on the first diaper! I had never put a cloth diaper on any baby so I was kind of just winging it. The first was a prefold insert with a cute little cow print newborn cover. I was used to mostly changing his diapers before he ate, every three to four hours, but I quickly found out that might not be often enough. He fell asleep on me and when he woke up, pee had leaked out of every possible place and was all over both of us! I was distraught..but quickly decided I probably just put it on wrong. On the next two covers (I went through a total of 4 covers in one day...) I used the same type of prefold and still had leak problems, but once I changed to a different insert I decided I just hadn't washed the others enough. They're currently being washed and dried a couple more times. Hopefully that's the problem and it can be corrected with additional washes. By the time I had it figured out, it was bedtime! We used an overnight diaper last night with no problems! He actually slept for 8.5 hours last night (PRAISE THE LORD) so I call that a success.
I feel better about it after trying a few different inserts. I watched a couple of videos online of different ways to fold them too, so I might try some of them at some point. Currently, I am concerned with how bulky they look on him. It's almost comical! He's so small so I have to fold them over in the front, so they go down to his knees! The good thing about this is all his pants fit better now! Ha!
Here are some pictures of him in the diapers. These are just the first two of the four he wore yesterday.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
One Month Old!
My little man is one month old today! I cannot believe it's already been a month. The first week seemed like one HUGE day, it went by so slowly I thought we'd never get to one month. Then, all of a sudden BAM! He's one month old!
He's doing great. It looks like he has acid reflux, and that's been a challenge but really he is doing quite well. I have taken him with me on errands a few times now and I finally feel comfortable driving with him and getting him in and out of the car seat. He really enjoys riding in the car. When we stop at a light, he gets mad! But once we start moving again, he's asleep. He likes the motion and noise of the car.
Tomorrow we are off to my in laws for Thanksgiving! I'm sure the trip will be interesting, but I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone and to getting out of the house for a few days! =)
Monday I start cloth diapers!!!! WOO! I am actually pretty excited. They're so dang cute! Daniel got the diaper sprayer hooked up to the toilet so we're ready to go. Although, I may not need the sprayer until his poops are more solid. Either way, it's ready! I'll do a post on how it goes!
Baby Milestone:
Since he has had reflux, he has been spitting up a lot, and not just right after eating. Once I figured out what the problem was though, I have taken measures to help him out by keeping him more upright as much as I can and it's really helped. We've even raised the head of his bassinet a few inches. Also, I gave him a bath the other day and he hardly cried! I took a little too long and he got irritated and cold, but he did very well! He's crying less and less when I change his diapers too. He mostly cries when he's hungry.
Mommy Milestone:
Traveling alone. I am totally confident now! It's pretty easy. I can get him in and out of the car seat with ease and carry him wherever we need to go. I've yet to go to Wal Mart strictly because of all the sick people we might encounter, but that will be another milestone I will post about soon, I'm sure.
This is a picture of him in his car seat before we went to the chiropractor! One month old! 11/23/10
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Breastfeeding Ain't For Quitters
Well, Gunner is three and a half weeks old, and I feel like I'm a pro at breastfeeding now. It seems like he is several months old though...it's been a long few weeks. Not that it hasn't been good, it's just been so busy and I've been awake for most of those hours that it seems like it's been way longer. He and I had a rough start, but we've both learned how this works and it's so much easier now. I will say that everyone was right: The first few weeks are the toughest. Not that I didn't believe them, I'm just saying they were correct. The first few days were by far the hardest though. I have watched my fair share of "A Baby Story" episodes on TLC, and I have been sickened at the moms who give up after a couple of days, or one day, or as I saw in one episode, the first three hours after being home! Seriously? That's all the trying you're going to do before throwing in the towel? The important things in life are worth working hard for. I went into this with a very specific attitude, one that didn't even leave me the option to switch to formula. I was going to make this work, I had to, and I think that helped me push through.
I had a lot of good advice from family and friends, and had done a whole lot of reading up on breastfeeding and got so much good information. However, I think after I got to the point of feeling comfortable with it, I decided I had strong opinions on all this info. After reading the info from some certain websites, I was feeling like there was only one way it could be done so when it didn't go EXACTLY like they described it should go, I stressed out. I think that now I am kind of irritated at this, because although my experience hasn't been by the book in every way, it works, and I feel like it's not fair for moms to feel like there is only one way it should be and if their experience didn't go that way, it was wrong and they need to remedy it. Not cool. It's probably all in the wording. They should explain it in a way that helps moms find what works instead of listing every problem you might encounter, and stating that you need to get that corrected to be doing this the right way. If you would like to know the specifics on what I am talking about, just let me know and I will be happy to explain.
After three and a half weeks though, I feel like things are going great and I am happy with it all. Gunner is obviously growing and getting fatter, pooping and peeing a ton, so I know he's getting the nutrients and nourishment he needs, and that's the most important thing.
Things have started to feel more normal now which is nice! I was able to go visit everyone at my old job and bring Gunner along, and afterward I even stopped at Sonic! It's the little things in life that make me happy. He did great though. He ended up getting pretty gassy toward the end of the visit and got really angry, and by the time we got home he was very poopy and hungry. I've started decorating our house for Christmas this week too. It usually only takes an afternoon, but I've been working on it for three days and still haven't finished the tree, and that's the first thing I started! Ugh. At this pace, it might take me till Christmas to get it done! It's still nice to be able to do normal things.
This Saturday is my family's Thanksgiving dinner. Half of the family will be with their in laws this year, so we're doing our dinner early so we can spend time together. Next week we will travel to Fairfield Bay for the Babb Thanksgiving! I am so very excited and anxious about it. It normally takes us 3.5 hours to get there. Gunner eats every 3-4 hours, so we will for sure have to stop and change/feed him once. It might take us 4.5 hours or more to get there.... I am also anxious about being away from home with him for a few days. I have everything I need here to take care of him, and I'm worried I'll forget something. I started on his packing list a week ago, and it's already longer than my packing list usually is! Kids sure do make life interesting. =)
Baby Milestone:
Gunner's cord fell off this week! He has a cute little belly button now, and I even gave him a real bath. He hated it of course and screamed the whole time. Maybe it will get easier.
Mommy Milestone:
Like I said earlier, breastfeeding has gotten way easier and I could probably manage to feed him if we were out and about. I have also been able to figure out a good routine for taking a shower each morning and getting ready for the day.
I had a lot of good advice from family and friends, and had done a whole lot of reading up on breastfeeding and got so much good information. However, I think after I got to the point of feeling comfortable with it, I decided I had strong opinions on all this info. After reading the info from some certain websites, I was feeling like there was only one way it could be done so when it didn't go EXACTLY like they described it should go, I stressed out. I think that now I am kind of irritated at this, because although my experience hasn't been by the book in every way, it works, and I feel like it's not fair for moms to feel like there is only one way it should be and if their experience didn't go that way, it was wrong and they need to remedy it. Not cool. It's probably all in the wording. They should explain it in a way that helps moms find what works instead of listing every problem you might encounter, and stating that you need to get that corrected to be doing this the right way. If you would like to know the specifics on what I am talking about, just let me know and I will be happy to explain.
After three and a half weeks though, I feel like things are going great and I am happy with it all. Gunner is obviously growing and getting fatter, pooping and peeing a ton, so I know he's getting the nutrients and nourishment he needs, and that's the most important thing.
Things have started to feel more normal now which is nice! I was able to go visit everyone at my old job and bring Gunner along, and afterward I even stopped at Sonic! It's the little things in life that make me happy. He did great though. He ended up getting pretty gassy toward the end of the visit and got really angry, and by the time we got home he was very poopy and hungry. I've started decorating our house for Christmas this week too. It usually only takes an afternoon, but I've been working on it for three days and still haven't finished the tree, and that's the first thing I started! Ugh. At this pace, it might take me till Christmas to get it done! It's still nice to be able to do normal things.
This Saturday is my family's Thanksgiving dinner. Half of the family will be with their in laws this year, so we're doing our dinner early so we can spend time together. Next week we will travel to Fairfield Bay for the Babb Thanksgiving! I am so very excited and anxious about it. It normally takes us 3.5 hours to get there. Gunner eats every 3-4 hours, so we will for sure have to stop and change/feed him once. It might take us 4.5 hours or more to get there.... I am also anxious about being away from home with him for a few days. I have everything I need here to take care of him, and I'm worried I'll forget something. I started on his packing list a week ago, and it's already longer than my packing list usually is! Kids sure do make life interesting. =)
Baby Milestone:
Gunner's cord fell off this week! He has a cute little belly button now, and I even gave him a real bath. He hated it of course and screamed the whole time. Maybe it will get easier.
Mommy Milestone:
Like I said earlier, breastfeeding has gotten way easier and I could probably manage to feed him if we were out and about. I have also been able to figure out a good routine for taking a shower each morning and getting ready for the day.
Monday, November 8, 2010
I'm a Stay At Home Mom Now
Well this is my first week of being totally on my own with Gunner. My mom and Daniel were here most of the first week, and my mom moved in with us the second week, but today marks my first day "on the job". As most of you know, we decided it would be best if I could stay home with our kids for their first few years, so I left Arvest Bank a few days before Gunner was born. My first day off was a Thursday, and the following day I went into labor, so we were cutting it close! It was hard to leave, I had been there for six years! But ultimately it was the best decision for us to make for our family.
So this is it! This is my new life. It's very exciting and I love it so far! It's way hard, but I am learning. I spend most of my time taking care of the little guy, so I'm going to have to figure out how to properly manage my time where I can get household chores done during the day. Over the last day or two, he has seemed to be "cluster feeding", so I feel like I am CONSTANTLY feeding him. He hasn't slept much during the day but the last few nights he's had six hour stretches which has been so nice. But I haven't had a lot of time in between feedings during the day to get much done. Luckily, Mom helped me get totally caught up on chores before she left so there's not a ton to do....yet.
Baby Milestone:
Gunner is enjoying a little more "play time" where he is content to lay in his bed or sit in the swing while he's awake, and not fuss! Big step.
Mommy Milestone:
I managed to get a shower with no one here to watch Gunner! He was asleep in his bassinet, and I rolled it in my bathroom so I could check on him...lol I'm still having a hard time letting him be out of my sight. I haven't dried my hair yet...maybe I can master that another day. Baby steps!
So this is it! This is my new life. It's very exciting and I love it so far! It's way hard, but I am learning. I spend most of my time taking care of the little guy, so I'm going to have to figure out how to properly manage my time where I can get household chores done during the day. Over the last day or two, he has seemed to be "cluster feeding", so I feel like I am CONSTANTLY feeding him. He hasn't slept much during the day but the last few nights he's had six hour stretches which has been so nice. But I haven't had a lot of time in between feedings during the day to get much done. Luckily, Mom helped me get totally caught up on chores before she left so there's not a ton to do....yet.
Baby Milestone:
Gunner is enjoying a little more "play time" where he is content to lay in his bed or sit in the swing while he's awake, and not fuss! Big step.
Mommy Milestone:
I managed to get a shower with no one here to watch Gunner! He was asleep in his bassinet, and I rolled it in my bathroom so I could check on him...lol I'm still having a hard time letting him be out of my sight. I haven't dried my hair yet...maybe I can master that another day. Baby steps!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Gunner Has Arrived!
Well, after 9 months of waiting, Gunner is here! He is the cutest thing I have ever seen and can do no wrong in my eyes.
The following is a general recap of his birth...I wasn't too graphic, but I wanted to share the story since I have been so open in sharing with the whole pregnancy.
It was a long day but all went fairly well. It started out on Friday around 5am. I woke up with some cramping contractions, and after three of them decided I needed to go to the ladies room. As I got up, I realized I was leaking and it wasn't pee. So I calmly woke Daniel up and said "Don't freak out, but I think some thing is happening...." And for some reason he didn't freak out! We decided to time my contractions, and they were around 6-8 minutes apart. After an hour or two of this, we decided it was time to finish gathering our things. I called my mom to see what she thought and she agreed, I was in the early stages of labor. So we finished packing, and I told Daniel to go to a meeting he had scheduled at work at 10am. I had planned the whole time (if possible) to stay home during the first part of labor considering it was the longest part and I didn't want to be stuck in the hospital that long. So he went, and not long after that my mom arrived. The contractions were getting stronger and closer together, so I texted him to let him know we thought we should head to the hospital. I had called the doctor's office and the nurse agreed since I was leaking fluid it was best to go ahead and go. So, off we went and we arrived around noon! For some dumb reason I had decided not to eat lunch before we got there....bad move. My next meal would be at 2am the next morning.....
We arrived, got checked in and into a room and the exciting moment arrived: they were going to see how dilated I was! We were all anxious. But alas, I was only at 3 and around 85% efaced. Bummer. They also had a hard time confirming that what I was leaking was indeed amniotic fluid. So we waited and waited, and waited some more and FINALLY the doctor on call arrived. From here my memory isn't for sure on every detail that happened so I may be off on times, but he confirmed that it was amniotic fluid, and I think ended up breaking my water completely after that. The contractions really started getting strong at that point and from here I started having the shakes pretty badly. I was really having to breathe through the contractions and concentrate. We had alerted the family by this point and I think some of them were starting to stop by.
I progressed very slowly and got to the point where I was having a hard time with the pain. I had asked when we could do the epidural and Daniel said "Shouldn't we wait? I mean we're only at three and a half, we can wait" He claims that my response was "OH REALLY? We can wait?! You think so?!" with a mean look on my face.... I'm pretty sure I was in the middle of a contraction so I cannot be responsible for the things I said during this time. They decided to give me Pitocin to speed things up since I had been leaking fluid since 5am. So once I reached 4 or so, we got the epidural! It wasn't that bad at all. I was shaking uncontrollably most of the time so I was scared it was going to cause a problem, but it went well. After that, my left side went numb while my right was still able to feel things. This was NOT good, so they started turning me on my side to get gravity going so it would work. We found the side to turn on and it started working everywhere.
After this I really progressed slowly. I was trying to rest a lot and turn often to keep helping the baby move down. At one point his heart rate started to drop during the contractions and they were a little concerned. They ended up giving me oxygen and connecting an electronic monitor under his scalp which really scared me because I didn't want it to hurt him. They also had to use an internal monitor to check the intensity of the contractions. I was hooked up to tons of machines in that hospital. Since I was progressing so slowly they upped the Pitocin and I guess that did the trick because they checked me before they turned it up and I was still around 5 or so. About an hour later the nurse checked me and said "GIRL you are at nine and a half!" It was go time!
So they started prepping for the baby and getting everything ready. Once I was at a ten the nurse decided she wanted me to try and push through a contraction. They were concerned that he wasn't far enough down and that I would be pushing too long, but through that contraction he moved enough for us to go ahead and page the doctor. So the doctor came in and we started pushing! I say we because I could not hold my own legs up since they were totally numb, so Daniel and my mom helped out. The nurse explained that it's not uncommon for a first time mom to push for an hour or two and to not be surprised if that happens. So here we went, and it was exhausting. I was focusing everything I had and doing exactly what they told me to. During some of the contractions, the baby's heart rate started dropping, so the doctor told me they may have to do an episiotomy or use a vacuum. I told him I didn't want to do either if we didn't have to, and he understood...but they were still concerned with his heart rate dropping that I decided it was best to go with option A. I did not want them using a vacuum on him! The thought of that hurt my heart. After only 30 minutes of pushing, Gunner was born! However, once his head came out, they discovered that the cord was around his neck, causing the drop in heart rate. I didn't realize this until well after he was born, but it scared everyone. So he got it loosened up and plopped him right on me! Gunner just stared at me and it was amazing. They took him to the warmer and got him suctioned out, and he really started to cry! I'm so glad Mom got that on film.
The next several hours (days really) are a blur. I had been up since 5am on Friday, and got little to no sleep that night. I took a couple of short naps Saturday and slept about 4 hours on Saturday night. Sunday I took an hour nap once we got home, but that night was awful... it was our first night at home and I am SO thankful my mom was there to help. We were sleep deprived beyond belief. Once we got past the first night or two at home though, life got a little easier! Gunner started eating and sleeping better, we started sleeping more and it seemed like we might have a chance!! Those days feel like months ago now.
Daniel starts back to work on Monday and so my mom will be staying with us all week. Since I will be staying at home with Gunner, I want her to help me figure out what my daily routine will be like, so I'm looking forward to that. Daniel is calling it "Stay At Home Mom Training".
That's pretty much all I have for now! I love my little boy and couldn't be happier. He is so worth it!
The following is a general recap of his birth...I wasn't too graphic, but I wanted to share the story since I have been so open in sharing with the whole pregnancy.
It was a long day but all went fairly well. It started out on Friday around 5am. I woke up with some cramping contractions, and after three of them decided I needed to go to the ladies room. As I got up, I realized I was leaking and it wasn't pee. So I calmly woke Daniel up and said "Don't freak out, but I think some thing is happening...." And for some reason he didn't freak out! We decided to time my contractions, and they were around 6-8 minutes apart. After an hour or two of this, we decided it was time to finish gathering our things. I called my mom to see what she thought and she agreed, I was in the early stages of labor. So we finished packing, and I told Daniel to go to a meeting he had scheduled at work at 10am. I had planned the whole time (if possible) to stay home during the first part of labor considering it was the longest part and I didn't want to be stuck in the hospital that long. So he went, and not long after that my mom arrived. The contractions were getting stronger and closer together, so I texted him to let him know we thought we should head to the hospital. I had called the doctor's office and the nurse agreed since I was leaking fluid it was best to go ahead and go. So, off we went and we arrived around noon! For some dumb reason I had decided not to eat lunch before we got there....bad move. My next meal would be at 2am the next morning.....
We arrived, got checked in and into a room and the exciting moment arrived: they were going to see how dilated I was! We were all anxious. But alas, I was only at 3 and around 85% efaced. Bummer. They also had a hard time confirming that what I was leaking was indeed amniotic fluid. So we waited and waited, and waited some more and FINALLY the doctor on call arrived. From here my memory isn't for sure on every detail that happened so I may be off on times, but he confirmed that it was amniotic fluid, and I think ended up breaking my water completely after that. The contractions really started getting strong at that point and from here I started having the shakes pretty badly. I was really having to breathe through the contractions and concentrate. We had alerted the family by this point and I think some of them were starting to stop by.
I progressed very slowly and got to the point where I was having a hard time with the pain. I had asked when we could do the epidural and Daniel said "Shouldn't we wait? I mean we're only at three and a half, we can wait" He claims that my response was "OH REALLY? We can wait?! You think so?!" with a mean look on my face.... I'm pretty sure I was in the middle of a contraction so I cannot be responsible for the things I said during this time. They decided to give me Pitocin to speed things up since I had been leaking fluid since 5am. So once I reached 4 or so, we got the epidural! It wasn't that bad at all. I was shaking uncontrollably most of the time so I was scared it was going to cause a problem, but it went well. After that, my left side went numb while my right was still able to feel things. This was NOT good, so they started turning me on my side to get gravity going so it would work. We found the side to turn on and it started working everywhere.
After this I really progressed slowly. I was trying to rest a lot and turn often to keep helping the baby move down. At one point his heart rate started to drop during the contractions and they were a little concerned. They ended up giving me oxygen and connecting an electronic monitor under his scalp which really scared me because I didn't want it to hurt him. They also had to use an internal monitor to check the intensity of the contractions. I was hooked up to tons of machines in that hospital. Since I was progressing so slowly they upped the Pitocin and I guess that did the trick because they checked me before they turned it up and I was still around 5 or so. About an hour later the nurse checked me and said "GIRL you are at nine and a half!" It was go time!
So they started prepping for the baby and getting everything ready. Once I was at a ten the nurse decided she wanted me to try and push through a contraction. They were concerned that he wasn't far enough down and that I would be pushing too long, but through that contraction he moved enough for us to go ahead and page the doctor. So the doctor came in and we started pushing! I say we because I could not hold my own legs up since they were totally numb, so Daniel and my mom helped out. The nurse explained that it's not uncommon for a first time mom to push for an hour or two and to not be surprised if that happens. So here we went, and it was exhausting. I was focusing everything I had and doing exactly what they told me to. During some of the contractions, the baby's heart rate started dropping, so the doctor told me they may have to do an episiotomy or use a vacuum. I told him I didn't want to do either if we didn't have to, and he understood...but they were still concerned with his heart rate dropping that I decided it was best to go with option A. I did not want them using a vacuum on him! The thought of that hurt my heart. After only 30 minutes of pushing, Gunner was born! However, once his head came out, they discovered that the cord was around his neck, causing the drop in heart rate. I didn't realize this until well after he was born, but it scared everyone. So he got it loosened up and plopped him right on me! Gunner just stared at me and it was amazing. They took him to the warmer and got him suctioned out, and he really started to cry! I'm so glad Mom got that on film.
The next several hours (days really) are a blur. I had been up since 5am on Friday, and got little to no sleep that night. I took a couple of short naps Saturday and slept about 4 hours on Saturday night. Sunday I took an hour nap once we got home, but that night was awful... it was our first night at home and I am SO thankful my mom was there to help. We were sleep deprived beyond belief. Once we got past the first night or two at home though, life got a little easier! Gunner started eating and sleeping better, we started sleeping more and it seemed like we might have a chance!! Those days feel like months ago now.
Daniel starts back to work on Monday and so my mom will be staying with us all week. Since I will be staying at home with Gunner, I want her to help me figure out what my daily routine will be like, so I'm looking forward to that. Daniel is calling it "Stay At Home Mom Training".
That's pretty much all I have for now! I love my little boy and couldn't be happier. He is so worth it!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Not Much Change...
My appointment today went well, she said I was doing great but the fact is that not much has changed with the progression. Still pretty much where I was last week. She is still convinced that I will go into labor before my due date though, so that makes me feel better. I plan to walk my face off over the next few days, maybe I can find some stairs and spend an afternoon walking up and down them.
She wanted to induce me next Wednesday. She is on call that day, and if I go into labor and she's not on call, the doctor who is on call will be doing the delivering. As nice as that sounds to have the guarantee for her to be there, I would much rather risk having another doctor be on call and me go into labor on my own. Convenience is not a good enough excuse for me right now. The thought of it being a week away was TERRIFYING! I think I might seriously freak out when I do go into labor though...it's really scary thinking about it!
So that's basically it. We're waiting to see what happens. Gunner is pretty low right now though, so maybe he's almost ready and he will come before my due date. I'm praying that God will make him come on his own before then. It can happen! It might not hurt if you pray with me! =)
She wanted to induce me next Wednesday. She is on call that day, and if I go into labor and she's not on call, the doctor who is on call will be doing the delivering. As nice as that sounds to have the guarantee for her to be there, I would much rather risk having another doctor be on call and me go into labor on my own. Convenience is not a good enough excuse for me right now. The thought of it being a week away was TERRIFYING! I think I might seriously freak out when I do go into labor though...it's really scary thinking about it!
So that's basically it. We're waiting to see what happens. Gunner is pretty low right now though, so maybe he's almost ready and he will come before my due date. I'm praying that God will make him come on his own before then. It can happen! It might not hurt if you pray with me! =)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Getting Closer...
Well I am at 38 weeks today. It is INSANE to think that we are this close to being parents. When we finally got to announce that we were pregnant, I thought to myself, "week 40 is so far away, it will be forever till we get to that point..." Well, here we are. We're pretty much prepared, as far as preparing goes anyway, for Gunner to arrive. We've got just about everything we need really, so I feel like we're "ready". (although, how ready can you be for your entire life to change.....)
The last two doctors appointments have been good, the first one I was dilated to 1 and 20% effaced, and the second one I was dilated between 1 and 2 and 50% effaced. My doctor was pleased and said I was really progressing well for where I was in the pregnancy, so her positive response made me feel like things are going well! My next appointment is Wednesday, so we will see what has happened in the last week. I've been having pretty regular contractions, nothing too intense but they happen throughout the day, and more at night. We've been going on walks every day and when I get done walking, I have lots of harder contractions, then they slow down.
Everyone was hoping today was the day, because 10/10/10 would have been a cool birthday! But alas, nothing. Oh well, he will come when he's ready! Apparently there is a front coming in, and the pressure changes have been known to cause labor to begin. Also, there is a full moon on the 22nd or 23rd which could cause it as well...and many other things I have heard that could cause labor! Every time I tell Daniel one of these theories, he just says, "Oh really? What about if you watch Star Wars: Return of the Jedi while singing the Star Spangled Banner during a rain storm on a Thursday?? Will that cause you to go into labor too?!" lol I can see his point, but it IS interesting the things that have caused some people to go into labor! You never know...
That's about all that has been going on in our lives currently, we're just playing the waiting game now. People are giving their predictions and it's pretty fun to hear every one's thoughts! I personally think that I've got at least another full week, if not more...but I always think negatively so I don't get my hopes up...
The last two doctors appointments have been good, the first one I was dilated to 1 and 20% effaced, and the second one I was dilated between 1 and 2 and 50% effaced. My doctor was pleased and said I was really progressing well for where I was in the pregnancy, so her positive response made me feel like things are going well! My next appointment is Wednesday, so we will see what has happened in the last week. I've been having pretty regular contractions, nothing too intense but they happen throughout the day, and more at night. We've been going on walks every day and when I get done walking, I have lots of harder contractions, then they slow down.
Everyone was hoping today was the day, because 10/10/10 would have been a cool birthday! But alas, nothing. Oh well, he will come when he's ready! Apparently there is a front coming in, and the pressure changes have been known to cause labor to begin. Also, there is a full moon on the 22nd or 23rd which could cause it as well...and many other things I have heard that could cause labor! Every time I tell Daniel one of these theories, he just says, "Oh really? What about if you watch Star Wars: Return of the Jedi while singing the Star Spangled Banner during a rain storm on a Thursday?? Will that cause you to go into labor too?!" lol I can see his point, but it IS interesting the things that have caused some people to go into labor! You never know...
That's about all that has been going on in our lives currently, we're just playing the waiting game now. People are giving their predictions and it's pretty fun to hear every one's thoughts! I personally think that I've got at least another full week, if not more...but I always think negatively so I don't get my hopes up...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Scary Moment
I had a little scare at my 34 week appointment today. I will go ahead and say EVERYTHING IS FINE, NOTHING IS WRONG! So no worries! Here's what happened.
I went in for my usual appointment which consists of me getting weighed, giving a urine sample (hooray...) blood pressure checked, uterus measurement and listening to the heart beat. Well, while the doctor was listening to Gunner's heart beat, she said it was a little low. (It's usually around 135, today it was 115 and lower) So she decided, to be safe, to hook me up to the fetal monitor for 20 minutes to get a read on what is going on. Ok, so I was slightly concerned but I wanted to get it over with so they could tell me if anything was wrong. A few minutes into the test, she came back in and it had dropped into the 90's. She immediately ordered an ultra sound, and I started to panic but kept it to myself. I didn't want to be the girl that freaks out!
They wanted to finish the test, so I had to sit in there, freaking out, all by myself for the next 15 minutes. The nurse gave me a magazine to look at. Yeah right, like I can read a magazine right now. I just held it open but stared at the monitor watching the numbers go up and down. (apparently that's good for them to fluctuate a bit) After that we did the ultra sound. She told me everything looked fine. They checked the amniotic fluid, his movement, listened to the blood pumping through the cord (amazing that they can do that) and watched him practice his "breathing". (He doesn't really breathe yet since there's nothing to breathe other than fluid, but the fact that he's practicing is an excellent sign) She said he looked great and the doctor released me! It was scary, but at the same time, I got to see little Gunner again!! He's HUGE compared to the 20 week ultra sound! He looks much fatter too and you could see his hands, they looked just like baby hands!!!! Amazing. She even printed out a few pictures for me! She happened to notice the area between his legs and said "OH yeah he's a boy"...I won't go into detail, but it looked much more like a boy than the last ultra sound! (she took a picture of that for us...lol)
It was amazing how much more developed he was this time. I'm so glad everything is fine, but that was scary for a few minutes. I did not like it. I did enjoy seeing him again though. OH and he is head down! His little feet are what's been sticking in my ribs! It's nice to know what everything is when he moves now!
I go back in two weeks and after that every week until he is here. Hopefully the next appointment will be less eventful...
I went in for my usual appointment which consists of me getting weighed, giving a urine sample (hooray...) blood pressure checked, uterus measurement and listening to the heart beat. Well, while the doctor was listening to Gunner's heart beat, she said it was a little low. (It's usually around 135, today it was 115 and lower) So she decided, to be safe, to hook me up to the fetal monitor for 20 minutes to get a read on what is going on. Ok, so I was slightly concerned but I wanted to get it over with so they could tell me if anything was wrong. A few minutes into the test, she came back in and it had dropped into the 90's. She immediately ordered an ultra sound, and I started to panic but kept it to myself. I didn't want to be the girl that freaks out!
They wanted to finish the test, so I had to sit in there, freaking out, all by myself for the next 15 minutes. The nurse gave me a magazine to look at. Yeah right, like I can read a magazine right now. I just held it open but stared at the monitor watching the numbers go up and down. (apparently that's good for them to fluctuate a bit) After that we did the ultra sound. She told me everything looked fine. They checked the amniotic fluid, his movement, listened to the blood pumping through the cord (amazing that they can do that) and watched him practice his "breathing". (He doesn't really breathe yet since there's nothing to breathe other than fluid, but the fact that he's practicing is an excellent sign) She said he looked great and the doctor released me! It was scary, but at the same time, I got to see little Gunner again!! He's HUGE compared to the 20 week ultra sound! He looks much fatter too and you could see his hands, they looked just like baby hands!!!! Amazing. She even printed out a few pictures for me! She happened to notice the area between his legs and said "OH yeah he's a boy"...I won't go into detail, but it looked much more like a boy than the last ultra sound! (she took a picture of that for us...lol)
It was amazing how much more developed he was this time. I'm so glad everything is fine, but that was scary for a few minutes. I did not like it. I did enjoy seeing him again though. OH and he is head down! His little feet are what's been sticking in my ribs! It's nice to know what everything is when he moves now!
I go back in two weeks and after that every week until he is here. Hopefully the next appointment will be less eventful...
Monday, September 6, 2010
A Whopper of a Weekend!
Labor Day weekend was CRAZY, but very fun too! It all started Friday night with a Pampered Chef party! We had a lot of fun. I hosted my first PC party, and the girl who was the PC consultant just started out so it was her first show too! I barely had anyone show up (seeing that I scheduled it on Labor Day weekend and all..) but I got a TON of outside orders and ended up getting a ton for cheap because of all the orders! Thanks everyone!

Saturday I got up and ran a few errands before dressing up and attending my second baby shower with friends! It was so fun and pretty! My three friends Bonnie, Ashley and Meagan did such an amazing job, it was great! The cake was ADORABLE and delicious, the food was so yummy and the decor was adorable! I loved it. We all had a great time! Daniel even came! I got some great and much needed items. I even got some hand made things! Ashley's grandmother made us a beautiful afghan that I love so much! Thank you!!!! And Bonnie (and Tom too!) made an adorable custom quilt! I love custom, hand made things so much and especially when they are for Gunner! It was a wonderful shower, I had a great time and thank you girls so much for throwing it for us! (I didn't get a ton of good clear pictures from the shower for some reason!)

Saturday night we had the family birthday party for my niece Emily's 16th birthday! It was a ton of fun and I cannot believe she is 16! When I met her (and most of Daniel's family) it was at her 11th birthday party. Hard to believe!
Sunday we got my family and Daniel's family together for a big BBQ lunch and diaper shower. That was some delicious food and adorable decorations! We all had so much fun. We got SO many diapers and other items that were much needed. My brother in law and sister in law (Scott and Kristi) helped us finish out the nursery by getting us a beautiful glider rocker with a glider ottoman! Two of my nieces even got us gifts! (Janna even made Gunner a cute little pillow!) The most memorable part though was opening the gift from Daniel's mother. She had several items from the past, and there were notes describing what each item was, who it belonged to before, and how special it was to the family. It was so amazing seeing what these items were and how they were significant to Gunner's family history.
"Gunner, This was the first outfit which was bought for your Uncle Stephen when he was just six weeks old by his mother and your grandmother, Nanny. It cost $3.98. This outfit was also worn by your Uncle Scotty and your dad. It was given to Cousin Colton when he was born, then passed down to you three years later. Today, September 5, 2010, this outfit is 40 years old."
"Gunner, This outfit was worn by your Uncle Stephen, Uncle Scotty and your dad. Uncle Stephen had his six month old pictures made in this outfit."
"Gunner, These shoes belonged to your dad, Daniel Babb, and were a gift from Mrs. Eubanks who was a neighbor and went to church with us at the time Daniel was born."
"This is the blanket that was made for Daniel before he was born. Why is it pink? One girl and two boys in the family already....you figure it out!!! He always loved his pink blanket. Right Daniel?" [the yellow one was also Daniel's blanket]
"This is the Pound Puppy Daniel begged for when he was in the fourth grade. (along with a cabbage patch doll.) He got both for Christmas that year."
"Daniel and Mandy, This is a family heirlook which belonged to Cullen Ward. [Cullen was Daniel's grandfather on his mother's side] This was his shaving mug, razor and brush he used for shaving. He used this for many years. Mama Ward [Daniel's grandmother] and Nanny want you to keep this for Gunner so he will have a little bit of heritage from our side of the family."
"Daniel and Mandy, This is a stocking which belonged to Cullen Ward. It was bought for Cullen when he was one month old by his mother. Cullen Ward would have been Gunner's great dranddaddy. Cullen would have been 98 years old on August 22nd, 2010, which is the year Gunner was born. Mama Ward found this stocking in some of her keepsakes and wanted you to keep it for Gunner in memory of his great grandparents, Nettie and Cullen Ward." [this stocking is almost 100 years old.]
So as you can see, we had a very special baby shower. It's so amazing to hear these stories, and even more amazing to see the items from the past that went along with the stories. Gunner has some amazing family, past and present, and I cannot wait to share all of this with him someday.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday the 13th and a Baby Shower
My Friday started out with a bang. The kind of bang that tells you "Yeah, you're welcome, you better hang on because today is going to kick you in the face". It started out with me taking way too long to get ready, but I wanted to dress up a little for my FIRST BABY SHOWER! Yeah!! I was too excited. So excited, that I forgot my gas tank was on empty and I was supposed to get gas the night before. I HAD to do it before work because I was meeting a friend for lunch and would have ended up on the side of the road trying to get there...it was that empty. So I left the house, later than normal, to go to the gas station to fill up.
Luckily, I got to work only a few minutes late. As I walked to the door I reached for my badge to open the securely locked doors and what have we here? No badge? Oh, that's right...I left it at home, in a different place than I normally put it. Of course. So I had to call someone to let me in. There goes a few more minutes. I get to my desk and apologize to my boss for forgetting my badge, and she tells me that I should head home to get it since I will need it later to go walk my mom back for the shower later. (The security is really tight in our building. There's a reason it's called Arvest Fort Knox) So I ran home to get it. It made me feel much better having it all day.
So lunch rolls around, and although it was so fun and really delicious, it took an extra 20 minutes, so I then was late getting back to work! I did have an hour of overtime that week....but it pretty much disappeared after all that craziness happened. Oh well, it's better than being short an hour!
That was the crazy part of my day. The rest was great! I attended my first baby shower thrown by my amazing coworkers! My mom got to come and that was awesome. It was fantastic. I had a great time and was blown away by the kindness of the people that I work with, past and present! There were a few faces there who I haven't seen in many months! Thank you guys for coming. We got tons of great baby items, and Gunner is going to look so stinking cute in all the new clothes he got! Here are a few pictures from the shower.

I guess that whole day took all my energy, because when I got home I was worthless. Poor Daniel just told me to go to bed at 8 45, and I wasn't about to argue. I got 11 hours of sleep and loved every minute of it. I am trying to savor these hours of sleep because I know they will be few and far between in the near future.
All in all, it was a great day, even with all the weird things that happened in the beginning. I had an awesome time.
Also, just ignore it if this post isn't totally centered and pictures are spaced weird. I can never figure out how to make it all fit perfectly, because it looks right when I'm setting it up, but the preview is always off! I don't even care...lol
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

We attended our first birthing class Monday night, and it was great! I was nervous about it but it went very well and was informative and fun too. It was about 2 ½ hours long, but it flew by. We sat around learning about some things, talking about pain and how to deal with it, and the last part of the class involved everyone sitting on mats in a circle with their coach doing breathing exercises. We then tried out some massage techniques for labor, which was fun. I can’t wait for Daniel to sit and massage my hands and feet for seventeen + hours. =) I could get used to that! I’m sure he’s thrilled about that idea too… I think it will be very helpful for us to learn all this information though. Its kind of fun to do this with Daniel, neither one of us have ever done anything like this so this is a new exciting adventure for us to share together. Plus, we have way too much fun in anything we do so of course we got tickled during the breathing exercises. I have a feeling we will both be more serious during the real deal.
Our instructor for our birthing class has suggested that we pick out some music to listen to during labor. Of course, Daniel and I have lots of really hilarious ideas.
Crazy Train
Eye of the Tiger
Our instructor for our birthing class has suggested that we pick out some music to listen to during labor. Of course, Daniel and I have lots of really hilarious ideas.
Crazy Train
Eye of the Tiger
Theme from Rocky
Chariots of Fire
Chariots of Fire
The Final Countdown
My more serious selections include:
John Mayer
David Crowder Band
smooth jazz
instrumental guitar
I have never gone through labor and delivery, so I really have no idea what type of music will help. Who knows, maybe I will feel the need to stick with all techno and trance music. Get me some glow sticks and I’ll be good! HA!
Got any song suggestions, funny or otherwise? Share them!
My more serious selections include:
John Mayer
David Crowder Band
smooth jazz
instrumental guitar
I have never gone through labor and delivery, so I really have no idea what type of music will help. Who knows, maybe I will feel the need to stick with all techno and trance music. Get me some glow sticks and I’ll be good! HA!
Got any song suggestions, funny or otherwise? Share them!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Day Off
This week has been different! My parents stayed with us from Saturday until this morning. We have a ton of fun together so it was a nice change having company over for that long. Before hand, Mom and I planned out all the meals we'd have so we would be prepared. Taco night, leftovers, steak night, hamburger casserole, and Wednesday they had church so we all had to fend for ourselves. Our dog Baily loves Daniel so much, it's insane. She adores him. But I think this week she took to Papa and didn't want him to leave! Here is a picture of his truck all packed up this morning.

Yesterday I was lucky enough to get a "yes" from my boss to take today off. (thanks!) Daniel has been on vacation all week, and this will be the last time we would be able to have a day off together before Gunner gets here so I took it off. We started the day by getting life insurance! (Woo hoo...) Something I never thought about until now...actually Daniel mentioned it since he seems to think more long term than me. Good idea though. Then we went to see Inception at the theater at noon, so there was practically no one else in the whole theater. That is a good movie I might add. It'll make you think. After that we stopped by Bath and Body Works because they were having their 5 for $15 hand soap sale (yahoo!) and of course I had to take advantage! What a deal. On our way home we picked up some Chinese food and had a REALLY early dinner since we didn't eat lunch, and I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up Gunner started kicking. He's bee incredibly active the last few days, either that or he's just so big now that I can feel any time he moves. It's really fun, and really distracting at work. Yesterday he was kicking so much I had one of the girls in the cubicle next to me come over and feel my belly! Some people say they hate when people rub their belly, but I just want to show him off! It's so fun when he's kicking and others can feel it! I'm already proud of how hard he kicks...ha!
According to "What to Expect", on Sunday I reached the third trimester! Here is the picture we took that day.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
What Have We Been Up To?
I will be attending my first baby shower in three weeks! Really? Is it already time for that? I cannot believe how fast it has gone since we made our big announcement. The first trimester crawled by at a snails pace because we were trying to keep a secret, but it has been a whirlwind of a time since then. Several weeks ago I was itching to start on the nursery, and now we’re kind of at a stand still as far as what we can do. We painted it and got the crib set up, but I don’t have the bedding yet. My crazy talented mother is making the bedding and curtain, so I will have to wait until that’s finished. She has the quilt done, and she’s working on the bumper pad and dust ruffle/bed skirt currently. I’m hoping to be able to help with all that at some point! No pictures will be posted until the big reveal! I want to show all of it together when it’s in the room. Cannot wait!
We bought a used stroller/car seat combo the other day and it’s sitting in the nursery along with the changing table and “co-sleeper basinet” Mom got us. It looks more like a small pack and play than a basinet. That thing is going to be a permanent fixture beside my bed for the first few months. I’m so glad to have it!
I also bought a used little activity center that I could not find anywhere except at Babies R Us (for a whopping $90!!!) but I got this one for $40! Talk about a deal. My sweet nephew has the same one and LOVES it! I need to post a picture of him playing in his soon.
We’re doing the cloth diaper thing and my mom got me a few diapers to start my stash. I will have to do a whole post on those some day soon. They’re pretty cool and so adorable. I registered for lots of diapers so hopefully I will get all I need! I am so thankful to have my sister in law and several people at church who use cloth available for me to ask my many questions to. They have been a big help. I should probably have all of their phone numbers on hand when Gunner gets here, because I know I will have even more questions and concerns by then!
Aside from a handful of outfits, some socks and a few hats, that’s all we have so far! It’s a good start though. I’m starting to wonder where on earth everything is going to go… I guess I will figure that out later!
In pregnancy news, I passed my glucose tolerance test the other day! It wasn’t bad at all really. I just hate having my blood drawn. The doctor said I was doing very well, and that I was measuring a week bigger, which isn’t too big of a deal. I’ve only gained a total of 7 pounds so far, so I’m hoping it doesn’t get out of control in the last trimester. I know I will get much bigger and gain more, but I want to keep it under 25 pounds total!! We start our child birthing classes on August 9th! It’s a 6 week course and we have it every Monday night (except for one was moved to the day after Labor Day). I am looking forward to it.
Gunner is doing well and moving so much every day! His movements are starting to get really big and are in different areas now. Sometimes it even tickles my ribs! The other day I think he rolled over, but he kept pushing out with an arm or leg or something and I pushed where it was and I could feel something hard under there! SO WEIRD! He seems to have changed his sleeping schedule, because he’s moving at different times during the day than he usually does. He used to not move much until I got to work, and he would squirm randomly till I ate dinner and then would settle down for the night. Now he is really active when I try to go to sleep! I feel him moving much more in the mornings too. He should be about 15 inches long by now! Holy cow! That’s huge! Pretty exciting stuff. My next appointment isn’t until mid August.
Even though I really want to see what he looks like and hold him, I’m not quite ready for him to get here yet! I’ve got too much to do before then, and I’m still pretty anxious about D-Day! I still wish I could skip that part!
We bought a used stroller/car seat combo the other day and it’s sitting in the nursery along with the changing table and “co-sleeper basinet” Mom got us. It looks more like a small pack and play than a basinet. That thing is going to be a permanent fixture beside my bed for the first few months. I’m so glad to have it!
I also bought a used little activity center that I could not find anywhere except at Babies R Us (for a whopping $90!!!) but I got this one for $40! Talk about a deal. My sweet nephew has the same one and LOVES it! I need to post a picture of him playing in his soon.
We’re doing the cloth diaper thing and my mom got me a few diapers to start my stash. I will have to do a whole post on those some day soon. They’re pretty cool and so adorable. I registered for lots of diapers so hopefully I will get all I need! I am so thankful to have my sister in law and several people at church who use cloth available for me to ask my many questions to. They have been a big help. I should probably have all of their phone numbers on hand when Gunner gets here, because I know I will have even more questions and concerns by then!
Aside from a handful of outfits, some socks and a few hats, that’s all we have so far! It’s a good start though. I’m starting to wonder where on earth everything is going to go… I guess I will figure that out later!
In pregnancy news, I passed my glucose tolerance test the other day! It wasn’t bad at all really. I just hate having my blood drawn. The doctor said I was doing very well, and that I was measuring a week bigger, which isn’t too big of a deal. I’ve only gained a total of 7 pounds so far, so I’m hoping it doesn’t get out of control in the last trimester. I know I will get much bigger and gain more, but I want to keep it under 25 pounds total!! We start our child birthing classes on August 9th! It’s a 6 week course and we have it every Monday night (except for one was moved to the day after Labor Day). I am looking forward to it.
Gunner is doing well and moving so much every day! His movements are starting to get really big and are in different areas now. Sometimes it even tickles my ribs! The other day I think he rolled over, but he kept pushing out with an arm or leg or something and I pushed where it was and I could feel something hard under there! SO WEIRD! He seems to have changed his sleeping schedule, because he’s moving at different times during the day than he usually does. He used to not move much until I got to work, and he would squirm randomly till I ate dinner and then would settle down for the night. Now he is really active when I try to go to sleep! I feel him moving much more in the mornings too. He should be about 15 inches long by now! Holy cow! That’s huge! Pretty exciting stuff. My next appointment isn’t until mid August.
Even though I really want to see what he looks like and hold him, I’m not quite ready for him to get here yet! I’ve got too much to do before then, and I’m still pretty anxious about D-Day! I still wish I could skip that part!
Monday, July 5, 2010
We Are Registered!
Well we officially registered for some baby items for Gunner today! We took Mom with us because we had no idea what we were doing. I armed Daniel with the scanner gun and set Mom loose to tell us what we needed. She was a huge help. It was pretty tiring too. We went to Wal Mart and Target, and when I got home I created a very small registry at Babies R Us for a couple of items I would really like that I can't really find anywhere else. I've got to go back to Target too because some of the bigger items that I wanted are going to be clearanced out and unavailable, but in a couple of weeks they're getting a totally new set of items in so I'll just add those to the list when they get them. So basically, it's an unfinished list. But we're almost done!
Here are the links! (I don't know how to do a hypr link or whatever it's called where you just see a word, and when you click on the word it takes you to the link. If you want to explain to me how to do that in a blog, have at it.)
Here are the links! (I don't know how to do a hypr link or whatever it's called where you just see a word, and when you click on the word it takes you to the link. If you want to explain to me how to do that in a blog, have at it.)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Just a Quick One
It's a boy!! We found out on June 8th that our little baby is a little baby boy! We landed on the name Gunner Cullen Babb. Gunner because it's awesome, and we've both loved it for like a year or more. Cullen because it's a family name on Daniel's side of the family. And Babb....well duh, that should be obvious. Did you even need to ask on that one? Come on now... =)
He is REALLY starting to move around now. I can pretty much predict when he will be the most active these days. Daniel got to feel him kick for the first time on the 15th, and again today! My mom felt him jumping around yesterday. It's pretty neat to have other people feel him moving around too!
We (Daniel) painted the nursery this week (which was a chore), but it looks fantastic. I will probably just post a picture of it once it's finished instead of posting pic after pic of one or two things added at a time. It's a work in progress. My mom is making his bedding and we picked out the material this week and made a mock up of the quilt she is doing...I am SO excited! It's going to look stinking awesome and cute.
My belly is really starting to get big. I read that in the next month he will double in size, and I'm sure I will do some expanding as well. I got some maternity shorts this weekend and I totally love them. They're also the only pair of shorts I own. Sad. I hate showing my legs, but I just got to the point of wanting to be cool more than caring what other people think about my pale fat legs. They can get over it!
Our third anniversary is on the 30th, and to celebrate we're spending a day in Tulsa, cause that's where all the fun is like The Cheesecake Factory, Babies R Us, and an aquarium. Ha! Not exactly sure of what all we are doing that day, but too much cheesecake is for sure on the agenda....ahhhh I am very excited about that.
I'll end with this week's "Bump Shot"!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Halfway There!
Today marks 20 weeks in my pregnancy! WHAT?!? I can't believe it. 20 weeks down, 20 to go. That's hard to believe. About three weeks ago I felt the baby move for the first time! It was so weird, but it was for SURE a kick. I've been feeling movement every day since then! It's pretty exciting. It likes to move more after I eat. At first I thought it was just because of the fact that my digestive system would start doing it's thing and making noise and things would start moving around, so it would kind of wake baby up, but I later read that eating raises your blood sugar a bit and gives baby a surge of energy! Pretty neat. No wonder it's moving a lot - I can't stop eating now! It seems that my appetite has returned with a vengance. I eat a lot these days. Which feels good to me since I hardly ate anything in the beginning months.
My last doctor's appointment went well and that day I scheduled the appointment for the big ultra sound where we'll find out the gender! That is THIS TUESDAY!!!! Oh I cannot wait. It seems like we've had to wait for ages for this day to arrive, but it's only been a month! What a long month. My belly is pretty sizable now, so I'm anxious to see how much I weigh. Last appointment I found out that since our positive pregnancy test, I have lost 10 pounds. I asked my doctor if that was ok, and she assured me that gaining weight is good for people who are at an average weight for their height. I was overweight when I got pregnant (still am of course), so it's ok that I am losing for now, but I should start gaining a little soon. The baby is getting bigger so I will be getting bigger. but losing a little weight is not a bad thing for me right now.
We signed up for our child birthing class this month!! It starts the first Monday in August, and will be every Monday for six weeks, except the class that falls on Labor Day will be moved to Tuesday. I am excited about that big step. We bought a changing table last weekend, and Daniel tore down our computer room! He was pretty excited about the changing table. It needed to be done though. We went from two computers to one, and moved it and a couple of other "office" things into the guest room so we could start the nursery when we wanted to.
Big changes have been happening! Things are going to get more exciting from here! We find out the gender on Tuesday and I am so looking forward to it! It's SO amazing to watch the baby move around on the ultra sound! Oh, and we don't have a preference on the gender, we'll be excited either way!
My last doctor's appointment went well and that day I scheduled the appointment for the big ultra sound where we'll find out the gender! That is THIS TUESDAY!!!! Oh I cannot wait. It seems like we've had to wait for ages for this day to arrive, but it's only been a month! What a long month. My belly is pretty sizable now, so I'm anxious to see how much I weigh. Last appointment I found out that since our positive pregnancy test, I have lost 10 pounds. I asked my doctor if that was ok, and she assured me that gaining weight is good for people who are at an average weight for their height. I was overweight when I got pregnant (still am of course), so it's ok that I am losing for now, but I should start gaining a little soon. The baby is getting bigger so I will be getting bigger. but losing a little weight is not a bad thing for me right now.
We signed up for our child birthing class this month!! It starts the first Monday in August, and will be every Monday for six weeks, except the class that falls on Labor Day will be moved to Tuesday. I am excited about that big step. We bought a changing table last weekend, and Daniel tore down our computer room! He was pretty excited about the changing table. It needed to be done though. We went from two computers to one, and moved it and a couple of other "office" things into the guest room so we could start the nursery when we wanted to.
Big changes have been happening! Things are going to get more exciting from here! We find out the gender on Tuesday and I am so looking forward to it! It's SO amazing to watch the baby move around on the ultra sound! Oh, and we don't have a preference on the gender, we'll be excited either way!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Baby Update - Baby Is Great, But People Are Frustrating
First off, nothing is wrong, everything looks good! Baby is doing well. So no worries.
Secondly, I am going to tag some people on Facebook when I post this link, so if you've been tagged, it's because I wanted to let you know about today's events, but there are several of you, so calling you on the phone wasn't as efficient.
Ok, so today was our second appointment! At our last appointment, they told me that at the next one I would get an ultra sound. I called them about three weeks ago to ask if there was a possibility that they might be able to tell us the gender, and they said yes. So, Daniel scheduled to go with me today, as did my mother. We arrived at the office and they sent us back to get the ultra sound.
We were sitting, waiting, and then the ultra sound tech came out and said: "It looks like there's been a mix up, it's too early to do the ultra sound so we're not going to do that today, you're just going to do your normal doctor's appointment." A few seconds went by with the three of us staring at her, and then I realized how mad I was. "Um, they told me last time that I would be getting an ultra sound, they scheduled it, we told them we didn't think we were supposed to get one but they did it anyway, and now that my husband and mother are here we're not getting one?!?!?" I shared with her about how at the last appointment, there was another mix up with our information, which ended with Daniel not being very happy with the lady at the front desk. I was very clear with my disdain for the way they have been handling things, and how frustrated we were and then said "Well, Mom, you should just go to work now because you've already missed work for this and it was all for nothing." The tech looked around for a second, and then said "Wait, you guys come back here really quick." (By this time I could tell that Daniel was about to rip his shirt in two and turn green and start throwing chairs...) So we followed her into a dark room...that had an ultra sound machine. We stood there for a second while she closed the door and said, "Jump up here, you guys came here to see the baby so let's take a look!" So I jumped on the table and thanked her and explained that I was not mad at her, I was frustrated and feel like things should be clear at all times on what's going on. She informed me that the people at the front were new...great.
So we got an ultra sound!!!!!!!! As soon as she put the thing on my belly, there was the baby! It was clear as a bell. You could make out it's head and facial features, and it's arms and legs and feet! Then it stretched all of a sudden and Daniel said "WOAH! DID YOU SEE THAT!" And it just moved like crazy! It kicked it's little foot out, and then it's hand went up to it's face, and then you could see it's cheeks moving.... it was sucking it's thumb!!! Amazing!! It was adorable. I don't have the pictures scanned yet to put on here, but I will soon.
She printed out a few pictures, and I thanked her again. Then we went back out to the waiting room to tell Mom goodbye, and to wait to see the doctor. Twenty minutes later a nurse came out and called "Rachel?" So we got up and followed her back. As she was weighing me, she said something about us having a different time than she did. I wasn't sure what she was talking about, so instead of asking, I just gave a nervous laugh. She marked my weight, and to me it looked like I lost a few pounds so I asked what I weighed last time. As we went into the exam room, she said "Well you've gained about 15 pounds, are you feeling better? Looks like you're eating just fine now!" I looked at her weird and said "I don't think that was my weight last time?..." She then said "So you're at 15 weeks now?" And I said "No I'm at 16 weeks.......wait a minute..." and I looked at her computer, my name was not up there. It was some other Rachel! I told her that was not me, and so she ushered me back out to the waiting room. Ten minutes later she came back for the correct patient, and called out again, "Rachel?" No last name AGAIN! Real smart, lady. You're supposed to learn from your mistakes!
We FINALLY went back with the right nurse, only to wait another half hour for the doctor. Daniel had to leave before the doctor came, but it was a quick appointment with her anyway and wasn't too eventful.
So I scheduled the REAL ultra sound for June 10th to find out the gender. On Twitter and Facebook this morning I said "We have our first real ultra sound scheduled for this morning!!! I'm excited, and a little nervous. Praying for a normal, healthy baby." What I should have said was "Praying for less confusion and more organization at the doctor's office!" After it was all said and done today, I told myself that the people at the front desk are not delivering this baby, my doctor is, and I have total confidence in her.
Secondly, I am going to tag some people on Facebook when I post this link, so if you've been tagged, it's because I wanted to let you know about today's events, but there are several of you, so calling you on the phone wasn't as efficient.
Ok, so today was our second appointment! At our last appointment, they told me that at the next one I would get an ultra sound. I called them about three weeks ago to ask if there was a possibility that they might be able to tell us the gender, and they said yes. So, Daniel scheduled to go with me today, as did my mother. We arrived at the office and they sent us back to get the ultra sound.
We were sitting, waiting, and then the ultra sound tech came out and said: "It looks like there's been a mix up, it's too early to do the ultra sound so we're not going to do that today, you're just going to do your normal doctor's appointment." A few seconds went by with the three of us staring at her, and then I realized how mad I was. "Um, they told me last time that I would be getting an ultra sound, they scheduled it, we told them we didn't think we were supposed to get one but they did it anyway, and now that my husband and mother are here we're not getting one?!?!?" I shared with her about how at the last appointment, there was another mix up with our information, which ended with Daniel not being very happy with the lady at the front desk. I was very clear with my disdain for the way they have been handling things, and how frustrated we were and then said "Well, Mom, you should just go to work now because you've already missed work for this and it was all for nothing." The tech looked around for a second, and then said "Wait, you guys come back here really quick." (By this time I could tell that Daniel was about to rip his shirt in two and turn green and start throwing chairs...) So we followed her into a dark room...that had an ultra sound machine. We stood there for a second while she closed the door and said, "Jump up here, you guys came here to see the baby so let's take a look!" So I jumped on the table and thanked her and explained that I was not mad at her, I was frustrated and feel like things should be clear at all times on what's going on. She informed me that the people at the front were new...great.
So we got an ultra sound!!!!!!!! As soon as she put the thing on my belly, there was the baby! It was clear as a bell. You could make out it's head and facial features, and it's arms and legs and feet! Then it stretched all of a sudden and Daniel said "WOAH! DID YOU SEE THAT!" And it just moved like crazy! It kicked it's little foot out, and then it's hand went up to it's face, and then you could see it's cheeks moving.... it was sucking it's thumb!!! Amazing!! It was adorable. I don't have the pictures scanned yet to put on here, but I will soon.
She printed out a few pictures, and I thanked her again. Then we went back out to the waiting room to tell Mom goodbye, and to wait to see the doctor. Twenty minutes later a nurse came out and called "Rachel?" So we got up and followed her back. As she was weighing me, she said something about us having a different time than she did. I wasn't sure what she was talking about, so instead of asking, I just gave a nervous laugh. She marked my weight, and to me it looked like I lost a few pounds so I asked what I weighed last time. As we went into the exam room, she said "Well you've gained about 15 pounds, are you feeling better? Looks like you're eating just fine now!" I looked at her weird and said "I don't think that was my weight last time?..." She then said "So you're at 15 weeks now?" And I said "No I'm at 16 weeks.......wait a minute..." and I looked at her computer, my name was not up there. It was some other Rachel! I told her that was not me, and so she ushered me back out to the waiting room. Ten minutes later she came back for the correct patient, and called out again, "Rachel?" No last name AGAIN! Real smart, lady. You're supposed to learn from your mistakes!
We FINALLY went back with the right nurse, only to wait another half hour for the doctor. Daniel had to leave before the doctor came, but it was a quick appointment with her anyway and wasn't too eventful.
So I scheduled the REAL ultra sound for June 10th to find out the gender. On Twitter and Facebook this morning I said "We have our first real ultra sound scheduled for this morning!!! I'm excited, and a little nervous. Praying for a normal, healthy baby." What I should have said was "Praying for less confusion and more organization at the doctor's office!" After it was all said and done today, I told myself that the people at the front desk are not delivering this baby, my doctor is, and I have total confidence in her.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Seeking Advice
15 weeks pregnant tomorrow! In 5 weeks I will be halfway through this pregnancy. That's hard to believe! We're planning to find out the gender of the baby, and we might be able to find out as soon as next Monday. I have an appointment on May 10th, and by that time I will be 16 weeks along. I am having my first real ultra sound that day, and if this little Babblett cooperates, we might be able to find out if it's a him or her! How exciting.
So, with that said, this blog post is going to be an open forum on baby products. I am getting ready to start a registry, and I'd like to take my time on it (I felt rushed on my wedding registry for some reason). I know a LOT of people who have had babies recently, and I would like to know any and all of your suggestions on things you like, things you love, things you can't live without, things that are totally unnecessary, things that are fun to have but aren't imperative, and anything else I have not covered.
When you give your suggestions, please be sure to include where the items are available and any other important info you might have about them. This should be fun! Let's get going!
So, with that said, this blog post is going to be an open forum on baby products. I am getting ready to start a registry, and I'd like to take my time on it (I felt rushed on my wedding registry for some reason). I know a LOT of people who have had babies recently, and I would like to know any and all of your suggestions on things you like, things you love, things you can't live without, things that are totally unnecessary, things that are fun to have but aren't imperative, and anything else I have not covered.
When you give your suggestions, please be sure to include where the items are available and any other important info you might have about them. This should be fun! Let's get going!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
It's true!
Well, we're pregnant! After a week of telling all our family and friends, I kind of feel numb today. I've been so excited about sharing the news, that after a long week of being ridiculously excited and happy, I feel like I have no emotions left. Kind of sad. Also, I'm crazy tired, which is to be expected.
Here are the stats. We're due October 24th, so right now I am just over 11 weeks along. I'm almost to the second trimester! That's kind of huge. I have had a type of "morning sickness", but no actual throwing up yet. Around week 6 I was incredibly nauseous, and it got worse when I got hungry, so I had to eat, but I felt sick so I didn't want to eat, but I needed to eat because I felt sick....it was a crazy feeling. It's started to get much better these last two weeks, and I am thankful for that.
Daniel is pretty stinking excited, but like me, he is drained after this weekend. We have been tossing around some ideas for names, but nothing has been decided just yet. I assume we will tell everyone our choice of name when we find out what we're having, which should be in about 9 weeks or so. We still have time.
It feels really strange to talk about it openly now. We've kept it a secret for so long that it started to feel like it was keeping the baby "safe", and now I have been nervous that now that everyone knows something might happen.....I know, it sounds weird and I can't really explain it. I'm a weird person and I am also a worrier. Just pray that everything is going smoothly AND that I will stop worrying! I have been dreaming a lot about this baby and everything that goes with it! I need sleep!
Speaking of dreaming, I have had some weird dreams so far, and one of them is pretty funny. I dreamed that we had the baby, it was a boy, and 2 weeks later we decided to go out to eat. Well, Daniel takes the kid and sits him up on the table like he's 3 years old or something...and the baby slowly falls over! I grabbed him and said "Daniel, stop that! He can't even sit up on his own. He doesn't need to be on the table" and Daniel kept grabbing him from me and put him on the table again! Over and over, it was like a cartoon or something. Really weird.
My first appointment is Thursday, so we will see what all that involves! We are so excited and this is by far the biggest thing to ever happen to us.
Here are the stats. We're due October 24th, so right now I am just over 11 weeks along. I'm almost to the second trimester! That's kind of huge. I have had a type of "morning sickness", but no actual throwing up yet. Around week 6 I was incredibly nauseous, and it got worse when I got hungry, so I had to eat, but I felt sick so I didn't want to eat, but I needed to eat because I felt sick....it was a crazy feeling. It's started to get much better these last two weeks, and I am thankful for that.
Daniel is pretty stinking excited, but like me, he is drained after this weekend. We have been tossing around some ideas for names, but nothing has been decided just yet. I assume we will tell everyone our choice of name when we find out what we're having, which should be in about 9 weeks or so. We still have time.
It feels really strange to talk about it openly now. We've kept it a secret for so long that it started to feel like it was keeping the baby "safe", and now I have been nervous that now that everyone knows something might happen.....I know, it sounds weird and I can't really explain it. I'm a weird person and I am also a worrier. Just pray that everything is going smoothly AND that I will stop worrying! I have been dreaming a lot about this baby and everything that goes with it! I need sleep!
Speaking of dreaming, I have had some weird dreams so far, and one of them is pretty funny. I dreamed that we had the baby, it was a boy, and 2 weeks later we decided to go out to eat. Well, Daniel takes the kid and sits him up on the table like he's 3 years old or something...and the baby slowly falls over! I grabbed him and said "Daniel, stop that! He can't even sit up on his own. He doesn't need to be on the table" and Daniel kept grabbing him from me and put him on the table again! Over and over, it was like a cartoon or something. Really weird.
My first appointment is Thursday, so we will see what all that involves! We are so excited and this is by far the biggest thing to ever happen to us.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
These are a few of my favorite things
The simplest things in life are often my favorite. I have decided to list a few of these things, because I'm sure someone else has at least one of these things in common with me.
Really warm towels from the dryer are so awesome, and to make it better, they smell soooo good!
Really warm towels from the dryer are so awesome, and to make it better, they smell soooo good!
A warm fireplace on a really cold night is such a great thing. I enjoy curling up with a warm blanket with the fire going to watch a movie.
A really nice smelling candle is so great. I got a MacIntosh Apple Yankee Candle for Christmas and I love it so much.
Really cushiony, fuzzy socks are my favorite. I currently don't own any, but my birthday is coming up in less than a week.......... =)
Really cushiony, fuzzy socks are my favorite. I currently don't own any, but my birthday is coming up in less than a week.......... =)
A super fuzzy scarf is so nice in the winter. I need things like this to get me through the cold months!
Opening up a new bottle of fabric softner is something I live for. I love shopping for new scents and really love trying them out for the first time. I'm currently using Downy's Spice Blossom Dare.
I really get a kick out of coming straight home from work to wash my face and brush my teeth. It sounds weird, but there's something about washing the day off you, it makes me feel refreshed and relaxed. I love having clean teeth too, so this one is a given. After I wash my face I love to use a really good night cream. I'm currently using this awesome stuff from Oil of Olay.
I really love organizing things that really need it. I love shopping for organization supplies and things.
I really love organizing things that really need it. I love shopping for organization supplies and things.
I really love the smell of bread baking in the oven, but then again, who doesn't!
There's something about the smell of sauteing onions that makes me feel like I'm back at home as a kid and Mom is in the kitchen cooking. Divine.
I LOVE getting mail that's actually for me from a person!! None of this junk mail stuff. Christmas time is my favorite because of all the cards and picture cards we get. So fun.
I love love love little surprises! It doesn't have to be anything big or expensive. When I was a kid, Dad used to bring me home things like RC Cola and little toys. The other night Daniel brought me home a chocolate orange! I love these things!!
Well, that about does it for this edition of "Mandy's Favorite Things". I'd like to hear some of your favorites!
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